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-. <br />Appendix E (Initial Study/Part 1) <br />Page 4 <br />CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached <br />exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, <br />and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my <br />knowledge and belief. <br />Dated: j Z ~' ~ <br />(Signature) <br />Debbie Potter <br />(Print Name) <br />Redevelopment Administrator <br />(Title) <br />(1) Determination based on location of project. <br />(2) Determination based on staff office review. <br />(3) Determination based on field review. <br />(4) Dete>mination based on information contained in the Joint County of Alameda-City of San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Plan. <br />(5) Determination based on the San Leandro General Plan. <br />(6) Determination based on the San Leandro Zoning Code. <br />('n Not applicable. <br />(8) Other (state data). <br />ABHOW Senior Housing IS-Part t <br />December 1999 <br />