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b. The City finds that, on the basis of the following specific findings, the Project <br />permitted as a result of the Disposition and Development Agreement will not have a significant <br />effect on the environment: <br />c. The City finds that the Mitigation Monitoring Plan sets forth an adequate program for <br />reporting on and monitoring the mitigation measures which the Agency has required to mitigate <br />or avoid significant environmental effects. <br />1) GRADING <br />EFFECT: The site is relatively flat and is currently developed with a former automobile <br />dealership. Development of the proposed project would not result in an increase in over-covering <br />of soil, as all of the site is either paved or built-up with buildings. The underlying soil is suitable <br />for development of residential units and no re-engineering of on-site soils is anticipated. <br />FINDING: No impacts to on-site soils are anticipated. <br />2) SEISMIC EVENTS <br />EFFECT: This project area lies within approximately 1.8 miles of the Hayward Fault <br />zone and is within a seismically active area. In the event of a major earthquake on the Hayward, <br />San Andreas or other nearby fault, structures or persons in the area would be exposed to damage <br />or risk depending on the magnitude and nature of the earthquake. <br />MITIGATION: All construction must comply with the San Leandro Municipal Code <br />which requires all new structures to be engineered and designed to resist the forces imposed by <br />an earthquake. <br />FINDING: This change has been required in, or incorporated into, the Project and will <br />avoid potentially significant environmental impacts as identified in the Initial Study. <br />3) AIR QUALITY <br />EFFECT: The Transportation Administrator has indicated that the proposed project <br />would not result in a significant increase in vehicular trips to and from the project site. Therefore, <br />air quality impacts are anticipated to be less than significant. No objectionable odors would be <br />produced by the residential project and no alteration of air movement nor a change in the local <br />climate are anticipated. <br />FINDING: No air quality impacts are anticipated. <br />4) WATER RESOURCES <br />EFFECT: Due to the fact that the project site is currently developed, redevelopment of <br />the site with residential uses is not anticipated to affect on-site absorption rates or drainage <br />2 <br />