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Appendix E (Initial Study/Part 2) <br />14. PUBLIC SERVICES. <br />Page 5 <br />Will the proposal have as effect upon, or result in <br />a need for new or altered governmental services in <br />any of the following areas: YES MAYBE NO SOURCE <br />a. Fire protection? x 1, 2 <br />b. Police protection? x 1, 2 <br />c. Schools? x 1, 2 <br />d. Parks or other recreational facilities? x 1, 2 <br />e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? x 1, 2 <br />f. Other governmental services? x 1, 2 <br />15. ENERGY. <br />Will the proposal result in: YES MAYBE NO SOURCE <br />a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? x 2 <br />b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing x 2 <br />sources of energy or require the development of <br />new sources of energy? <br />16. UTILITIES. <br />Will the proposal result in a need for new systems <br />or substantial alterations to the following utilities: YES MAYBE NO SOURCE <br />a. Power or natural gas? x 1, 2 <br />b. Communications systems? x 1, 2 <br />c. Water? x 1, 2 <br />d. Sewer or septic tanks? x 1, 2 <br />e. Storm water drainage? x 1, 2 <br />f. Solid waste and disposal? x 1, 2 <br />17. HUMAN HEALTH. <br />Will the proposal result in: YES MAYBE NO SOURCE <br />a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health <br />hazard (excluding mental health)? x 1, 2 <br />b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? x 1, 2 <br />18. AESTHETICS. <br /> YES MAYBE NO SOURCE <br />Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any x 1, 2 <br />scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the <br />proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically <br />offensive site open to public view? <br />ABHOW Senior Housing - IS -Part 2 <br />