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Appendix E (Initial Study/Part 2) Page 9 <br />Noise is also regulated in San Leandro through the noise ordinance, which can consider the level, <br />intensity, character, and duration of the noise as well as the time and place of the noise in <br />determining whether the ordinance has been violated. <br />Construction activities would intermittently and temporarily generate noise levels above existing <br />ambient levels in the pmject vicinity. This would mostly affect the residents to the east and <br />businesses in the immediate vicinity. This is a potentially sign cant impact. <br />Mitigation: To reduce the construction noise effects, the City shall require construction <br />contractors to limit noisy construction activities to the least noise-sensitive times of the day and <br />week (e.g., 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). Implementation of this mitigation <br />measure would bring the impact to a less than sign cant level. <br />Stationary mechanical equipment associated with the new apartment building could increase <br />noise levels in the project vicinity. Specifically, this could affect existing residents to the east and <br />proposed on-site residents. Stationary mechanical equipment would include such items as <br />heating/ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. This could be a substantial source <br />of noise depending on distance and inclusion of noise-reducing features. This is a potentially <br />significant impact. <br />Mitigation: To ensure that acceptable operational noise levels are maintained in the project <br />vicinity and noise conflicts between the project and existing nearby uses aze avoided, the <br />following measures should be implemented: <br />Noise should be considered in the design and location of all stationary mechanical equipment <br />and exterior vents (e.g., equipment and vents should face away from sensitive noise <br />receptors, vent covers should be baffled, if necessary, etc.). Implementation of this mitigation <br />measure would result in a less than significant impact. <br />Ambient noise levels at the project site are in the range of 78.5 DNL which is considered <br />"normally unacceptable" under the General Plan for residential land uses. This is a potentially <br />sign cant impact. <br />Mitigation: The developer shall be required to construct residential units in compliance with <br />Title 24 standards. This may include the use of different ventilation systems and/or types of <br />windows. Prior to occupancy, the applicant shall prove (through testing) that an indoor noise <br />level of 45 dBA can be met in all residential units. Implementation of this mitigation measure <br />would result in a less than significant impact. - <br />7. The construction of residential uses on-site will include the placement of lighting standards <br />throughout the property. New forms of light and glaze associated with on-site uses will also <br />include interior nighttime lighting of the residences. While the proposed change in land use <br />would likely result in a moderate increase in the amount of glaze produced on-site during the <br />evening hours, the additional light and glare would not be substantial given current <br />ABHOW Senior Housing - [S -Part 2 <br />