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Reso 2000-011
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2000-011
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Last modified
8/27/2010 1:44:39 PM
Creation date
7/20/2010 2:00:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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.-~t,~.~:,,uu c ~uuua! Jtudy/Part 2) ~ , . <br />Page 10 ' <br />commerciaVindustrial lighting in the project vicinity. Moreover, lighting will be required to be <br />directed away from adjacent residential neighborhoods. <br />Mihi~ahon; All lighting fUCtures shall be diverted away from residences (both existing off-site <br />and proposed on-site) and be designed and equipped with shields to eliminate off-site glaze onto <br />adjoining residential properties. Implementation of this mitigation measure would result in a less <br />than sign cant impact. <br />8. The proposal to develop a senior housing apartment complex with 60 units on property that <br />was previously developed with commercial (car dealership) uses represents a change in the <br />existing land use. The property is zoned NA-2 (North Area 2). Apartment uses aze conditionally <br />Permitted in this district. The project does not require approval of a Conditional Use Permit, as <br />this action is superseded by the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). The <br />appropriate infrastructure is available to connect future improvements with existing utility lines <br />as this is an in-fill location. _ <br />10. e. Information submitted by the applicant indicates that leakage from underground storage <br />tanks (associated with the car dealership) .has been remediated under the direction of the <br />Alameda County Department of Environmental Health-Hazazdous Materials Division. <br />Additionally, information submitted by the .applicant suggests that asbestos and lead paint have <br />been found in the existing buildings. The report did not indicate whether the lead paint was in <br />stable condition or if peeling or flaking were evident. If not properly removed or remediated, <br />this could result in a potentially significant impact during demolition of the existing structures. <br />Mitigation: Prior to issuance of demolition permits, the applicant shall secure the proper <br />permits from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for removal of asbestos-containing <br />materials in the existing building. If the lead paint is stable (no peeling or flaking evident), then <br />no mitigation is required. However, if peeling or flaking is present, the lead paint shall be <br />removed,. to the satisfaction of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health- <br />Hazazdous Materials Division and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District prior to <br />issuance of demolition permits. Implementation of this mitigation measure would result in a less <br />than significant impact.. <br />13. a. The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that approximately 3.5 daily vehicle trips will <br />be generated per dwelling unit. Assuming .that there aze 60 units, the total trip generated by the <br />project site will be approximately 210 trips per day. Vehicular access to the site will be from <br />either Broadmoor Blvd. or Cambridge Avenue. There will be no driveway access directly on to <br />E. 14"' Street. The intersection of E. 14`~ Street and Broadmoor Blvd. is signalized. <br />Transportation staff have concluded that the acceptable threshold for a local residential street will <br />not be compromised as a result of the proposed project. This project would generate <br />approximately 105 new trips on the two local streets impacted and would not be considered <br />significant. This project is subject to DFSI (Development Fees for Street Improvements) which <br />will be used to improve traffic conditions in the project vicinity. Traff c-related impacts are <br />ABHOW Senior Housing - IS -Part 2 <br />
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