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., <br />Does the trail project involve a spine. spur, or connector trail? (Note: Spine segments are the <br />main trail network that create a continuous corridor linking all nine Bay Area counties. spur <br />trails provide access from the Bay Trail spine to points of natural, historic and cultural interest <br />along the Bay shoreline, and connector trails link to the Bay Trail and provide restricted access <br />to interpretive trails in environmentally-sensitive areas along the shoreline and connections to <br />recreational opportunities as well as residential and employment centers inland from the Bay.) <br />Spine <br />d. Type or classification of trail: Class I (separated path); Class II (bike lane): Class III (bike <br />route). If multiple classifications are involved, please identify each segment. <br />Class I <br />e. Does the trail project provide new access where none existed before or new destinations, or <br />does it improve an existing trail? <br />Yes <br />2. Partnership/Leverage (15 Points Possible): <br />a. What is the total amount of the non-Bay Trail grant match? <br />Dollar: $ ~1~~ In-kind: $ 19T999 Percent of project cost: <br />b. Does the project demonstrate a collaborative approach to bringing multiple parties together? If <br />yes, please describe. <br />Yes, the City of San Leandro, East Bay Regional Pazk District, and the Port of <br />Oakland aze co-sponsors of this project. <br />San Francisco Bay Trail Project <br />Regional Development Program <br />1999 Grant Application <br />Page 10 <br />