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would be exposed to damage or risk depending on the magnitude and nature of <br />the earthquake. <br />FINDINGS: The project has no special characteristics that make it more <br />susceptible to impact than other similarly situated land in San Leandro. All <br />construction will comply with the San Leandro Municipal Code. With these <br />requirements in place, the potential impact associated with geologic hazards has <br />been lessened to below a level of significance. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: All construction will comply with the San Leandro <br />Municipal Code. City review and inspection during the plan check, building <br />permit, and building stage will ensure that potential impacts associated with <br />geologic hazards will be lessened to below a level of significance. <br />BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br />EFFECT: The proposal will involve a change in the diversity of plant species in <br />that new landscaping will be introduced on the site. The project area is adjacent to <br />the San Leandro Creek. The creek provides a major riparian (stream-bank <br />corridor) habitat with a wide range of plants and animals. <br />FINDINGS: The landscaping will be limited to the top of bank and will be <br />integrated into existing creek landscaping. Any new landscaping material <br />adjacent to the creek would be consistent with the East Bay Municipal Utilities <br />District guidelines for drought tolerant and native plants. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: An arborist's report was prepared for this site, and it <br />recommends that most of the trees be retained. The report does identify some <br />unhealthy trees that should be removed. The final landscape plan will be subject <br />to the review and approval of the Development Services Director. City review and <br />approval of the landscape plan will ensure that potential impacts associated with <br />on-site biological resources will be lessened to below a level of significance. <br />d. NOISE <br />EFFECT: Short-term noise impacts would occur during site preparation and <br />construction. <br />FINDINGS: All construction activities will be required to comply with <br />applicable City noise standards and regulations during grading and construction of <br />the site. The City will ensure that this takes place during the plan check and <br />building permitting stage as well as the construction and inspection stage. With <br />these noise standard conditions in place, any potential short-term noise impact <br />will be brought to a level below significance. <br />