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These funds can be spent throughout the City on First-time homebuyer, multi- <br />family rehabilitation and new housing construction programs. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The project will generate tax-increment funds that <br />must be used to expand and maintain the Ciry's supply of housing affordable to <br />low- and moderate-income people. No significant impacts are anticipated and no <br />mitigation is required. <br />i. CIRCULATION <br />EFFECT: Development of the proposed project may result in project-specific or <br />cumulative traffic impacts. The report did say that a traffic signal is warranted at <br />Davis Street/Carpentier Street based on the estimated p.m. peak hour volumes. <br />However, this intersection is expected to operate at acceptable levels of service as <br />a whole with the addition of a westbound Davis Street left-turn lane and a <br />southbound Carpentier Street right-turn lane. If these roadway improvements are <br />implemented, the intersection is expected to operate acceptably without <br />signalization. <br />FINDINGS: A traffic study was conducted by TJKM, Transportation Consultants <br />to evaluate anticipated traffic impacts related to the project and is attached to the <br />Initial Study. The proposed project consists of construction of a new office plaza <br />(with restaurant use included), multi-level parking garage, and a nature <br />interpretive center. The City of San Leandro has established a minimum of LOS <br />D for San Leandro roadways and intersections. Any projects that would result in a <br />level of service worse than D would require mitigation. The traffic study <br />concluded that the proposed Creekside Plaza was found not to have significant <br />traffic impacts on intersection levels of service and no mitigation measures were <br />required. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration includes an analysis of the traffic impacts of the proposed project and <br />other anticipated developments -which could contribute to cumulative traffic <br />impacts. The conclusion of the traffic study is that the proposed project was found <br />to not have a significant traffic impact on intersection levels of service and no <br />mitigation measures were required under either the project-specific or cumulative <br />scenario, <br />EFFECT: With implementation of the proposed project, a traffic signal is <br />warranted at Davis Street/Carpentier Street based on the estimated p.m. peak hour <br />volumes. <br />FINDINGS: The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration includes a <br />mitigation measure indicating that if warranted, the applicant shall be responsible <br />for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Davis Street/Carpentier <br />Street, to the satisfaction of Caltrans and the Ciry's Transportation Manager. The <br />