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applicant shall also be required to pay for installation of a left-turn lane on <br />westbound Davis Street and an exclusive right-turn lane on southbound <br />Carpentier Street, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Manager. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: A traffic study was prepared by TJKM <br />Transportation Consultants and is included as an attachment to the Initial Study <br />and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The traffic study concluded that with <br />development of the proposed project, a traffic signal is warranted at Davis <br />Street/Carpentier Street based on the estimated p.m. peak hour volumes. <br />Mitigation measures requiring that if warranted, the applicant shall be responsible <br />for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Davis Street/Carpentier <br />Street, and will also be required to pay for installation of a left-turn lane on <br />westbound Davis Street and an exclusive right-turn lane on southbound <br />Carpentier Street are included in the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration. These measures will ensure that any potential impacts related to <br />project-related traffic will be brought to a level below significance. <br />EFFECT: A traffic study was conducted by TJKM, Transportation Consultants <br />to evaluate the adequacy of on-site parking for the proposed project. <br />FINDINGS: The traffic study, which is included as an attachment to the Initial <br />Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration concluded that on-site parking is <br />adequate during the phased construction and upon buildout of the proposed <br />project. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The City of San Leandro has an on-site parking <br />requirement of one parking space per 300 square feet of building development. <br />The project is proposed to be built in two phases. Phase I would include <br />development of 130,000 square feet of office space (includes a 2,500 square foot <br />restaurant to serve business park employees). A total of 520 parking spaces are <br />proposed for this phase, which exceeds the City's parking requirement. Phase II <br />includes an additional 50,000 square feet of office space and development (not by <br />the applicant) of a 15,000 square foot Interpretive Center. Upon buildout, a total <br />of 738 parking spaces would be provided, which exceeds the City's parking <br />requirement. No mitigation measures are required. <br />EFFECT: Future employees and visitors of the on-site buildings may <br />experience long delays when exiting from one of the two proposed driveways on <br />San Leandro Boulevard. <br />FINDINGS: The traffic study, which is included as an attachment to the Initial <br />Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration concluded that due to the anticipated <br />long delays of the outbound left-turning vehicles from the two driveways onto <br />San Leandro Boulevard, it is recommended that the applicant signalize the <br />northern San Leandro Boulevard driveway. Mitigation measures have been <br />included to require that plans for the access and internal circulation of the <br />8 <br />