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• <br />and building permitting process) and during the actual grading and construction <br />(as part of the inspection process). With the implementation of these noise <br />conditions, any potential short-term noise impact will be brought to a level below <br />significance. <br />EFFECT: Stationary mechanical equipment, sound amplification equipment, <br />and on-site traffic could increase noise levels in the project vicinity. <br />FINDINGS: A noise analysis was performed by Environmental Science <br />Associates, Inc. (ESA), a Bay Area firm providing environmental consulting <br />services. This evaluation, which is included as an attachment to the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration, concluded ,that stationary mechanical equipment, would <br />include such items as heating/ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) <br />equipment, could affect the proposed on-site interpretive center, existing residents <br />to the north and future on-site office space tenants. This could be a substantial <br />source of noise depending on distance and inclusion of noise-reducing features. <br />Mitigation to ensure that acceptable operational noise levels are maintained in the <br />project vicinity and noise conflicts between the project and surrounding uses are <br />avoided was included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, with the conclusion <br />that implementation of the mitigation measure would bring this noise impact to a <br />level below significance. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The noise evaluation noted that stationary <br />mechanical equipment, would include such items asheating/ventilation and air <br />conditioning (HVAC) equipment, could affect the proposed on-site interpretive <br />center, existing residents to the north and future on-site office space tenants. The <br />study concluded that this was a potentially significant impact without mitigation. <br />Mitigation to require consideration in the design and location of all stationary <br />mechanical equipment and exterior vents is included as part of the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration. With this mitigation measure in place, the potential impact <br />from stationary mechanical equipment will be brought to a level below <br />significance. <br />EFFECT: The proposal could result in an increase in traffic-related noise in the <br />project vicinity. <br />FINDINGS: A noise analysis was performed by Environmental Science <br />Associates, Inc. (ESA), a Bay Area firm providing environmental consulting <br />services. This evaluation, which is included as an attachment to the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration, concluded that traffic noise would result in a less than <br />significant noise impact to nearby noise receptors and no mitigation measures are <br />required. <br />32 4 <br />