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• • <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: Noise impacts from the proposed project were <br />evaluated in the noise report. The study found that the addition of project-related <br />traffic alone would not noticeably increase ambient noise levels, and no <br />mitigation measures are required. <br />EFFECT: The proposed project would construct office uses in an area where <br />existing noise levels are "conditionally acceptable" for such uses. <br />FINDINGS: Ambient noise levels at the proposed Creekside Plaza are in the <br />range of 60 to 70 Lan which is considered "conditionally acceptable" under the <br />General Plan for office land uses. The General Plan states that conventional <br />construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air <br />conditioning, will normally suffice to address this concern. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The proposed office uses are those which would be <br />supplied with air-conditioning -and ventilating equipment and are typically <br />operated with closed windows. The office land use is therefore not in conflict with <br />the General Plan and would be a less than significant effect of the project. No <br />mitigation measure is required for the proposed office uses. <br />e. LIGHT AND GLARE <br />EFFECT: The construction of office and parking uses on-site will include the <br />placement of lighting standards throughout the site. New forms of light and glare <br />associated with on-site uses will also include interior nighttime lighting of the <br />office uses and lighting in the tri-level parking structure. The proposed change in <br />land use would likely result in a moderate increase in the amount of glare <br />produced on-site during the evening hours. <br />FINDINGS: While this change in land use would likely result in a moderate <br />increase in the amount of light and glare produced on-site during the evening <br />hours, the additional light and glare would not be substantial given current <br />developments and lighting in the project vicinity. Moreover, lighting will be <br />required to be directed away or shielded from adjacent residential neighborhoods. <br />A mitigation measure requiring the lighting to be diverted away from adjacent <br />residential neighborhoods and to be designed and equipped with shields to <br />eliminate off.-site glare is included as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. <br />With this mitigation measure in place, the potential impact from light and glare <br />will be brought to a level below significance. <br />~~ <br />