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ORDINANCE NO. 2010-XX <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />IMPOSING A TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX TO BE <br />ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION <br />WHEREAS, the State has already taken $7 million from San Leandro to solve its own <br />budget crisis, and with a $17 billion deficit, is threatening to take more; and <br />WHEREAS, with local revenues down $11.6 million over the last four years due to State <br />raids and the recession, the City has had to cut critical services the community needs and relies <br />on, including public safety, streets, libraries, and parks which keep our community strong; and <br />WHEREAS, the City has drastically reduced spending, including reducing staff by <br />almost 20% over the last two years (95 full time positions) freezing most employee salaries, <br />implementing atwo-tier retirement system, furloughing most employees, closing City offices <br />once a month, and using a significant percentage of the City's emergency reserves; and <br />WHEREAS, without additional revenue the City must make additional cuts to address <br />the remaining $3 million budget shortfall including, eliminating seven more police officers, a <br />code enforcement officer and an animal control officer; removing a fire ladder truck and nine <br />firefighters from service in July 2011; and dramatically reducing street repairs, libraries, senior <br />programs, and youth recreation services; and <br />WHEREAS, with police and fire protection comprising over 60% of the City's general <br />fund budget, the City cannot avoid more cuts to public safety, resulting in longer 9-1-1 <br />emergency response times; and <br />WHEREAS, without additional revenue, the City cannot provide the level of services <br />that over 1000 residents have identified as priorities; and <br />WHEREAS, alocally-enacted revenue measure would protect and maintain San Leandro <br />services because the money is legally required to stay in our community and cannot be taken by <br />the State, providing locally controlled funds for local services; and <br />WHEREAS, at its June 7, 2010 meeting, the City Council adopted a budget for FY <br />2010-11 that recognized the need for additional revenue to maintain and preserve the level of <br />services desired by residents of the City; and <br />WHEREAS, at its July 19, 2010 meeting, the Council considered calling a special <br />election to seek voter approval of a proposed general transactions and use tax (or "sales tax"), as <br />authorized by Revenue and Taxation Code section 7285.9; and <br />WHEREAS, at that meeting, the City Council concluded that all of the information <br />presented indicated that, to obtain the revenue necessary to maintain and preserve service levels, <br />the Council should call an election to ask the voters of the City to approve a 7-year local <br />