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SECTION 16: RELEASE OF AGREEMENT <br />In the event that the City determines that the stormwater treatment measures located on the <br />Property are no longer required, then the City, at the request of the Property Owners shall execute a <br />release of this Inspection and Maintenance Agreement, which the Property Owners, or the City by <br />mutual agreement, shall record in the County Recorder's Office at the Property Owners' expense. <br />The stormwater treatment measure(s) shall not be removed from the Property unless such a release <br />is so executed and recorded. <br />SECTION 17: EFFECTIVE DATE AND MODIFICATION <br />This Agreement is effective upon the date of execution as stated at the begmning of this <br />Agreement. This Agreement shall not be modified except by written instrument executed by the City <br />and the Property Owners at the time of modification. Such modifications shall be effective upon the <br />date of execution and shall be recorded. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO ~:~!~~~~ `~' _ C~ Zti /u <br />Stephen L. Hollister, City Manager Date <br />Attest:" V~~1 ,,`}V~~~~~~~ <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />Property Owner Signature <br />Estabrook Senior Housing, L.P. <br />22645 Grand St <br />Hayward, CA 94541 <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />____~ <br />.~ Jayne W. Williams, City Attorney <br />~-2y~/o <br />~~-/~-~~ <br />Date <br />G:\_LD\_Adtlress\E\East 14th St 2121 (Senior Housing)\O & M Agreement - 2103 E. 14th St.doc <br />