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Agmt 2000 Ryland Homes of California Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2000 Ryland Homes of California Inc
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Last modified
8/30/2010 11:15:24 AM
Creation date
8/30/2010 11:09:51 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Inst 2000127559
\City Clerk\City Council\Recorded Documents\2000
Reso 2000-023
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2000
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in the manner provided by the Subdivision Regulations of City. No change, alteration or addition to the <br /> terms of this Agreement or the plans and specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect <br /> the obligation of those providing improvement security pursuant to this Agreement. <br /> 14. Maintenance Security. Prior to initial acceptance of any of the work constructed hereunder or <br /> the release of any of the securities required under Paragraph 13., hereof. Subdivider shall fumish the City a <br /> maintenance and repair security in a form acceptable to the City Engineer in the amount of EIGHT <br /> HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($850.00) to guarantee that all areas to be improved are free from defect for <br /> a period of one year after initial acceptance of entire work by the City. In the event Subdivider fails, neglects <br /> or refuses to maintain and repair said areas, City is hereby authorized to expend all or any portion of said <br /> deposit during construction and during the one year maintenance period to accomplish the above. Upon <br /> notice by City and should it become necessary for City to utilize said deposit to correct deficiencies, <br /> Subdivider shall pay sufficient monies to City to maintain this cash deposit at not less than FOUR <br /> HUNDRED DOLLARS (5400.00) until final inspection of all the improvements and final acceptance of all <br /> public improvements. Any unexpended amount will be returned to the Subdivider at the time all bonds and <br /> securities are released. <br /> 15. Hold Harmless Agreement. Subdivider hereby agrees to, and shall, hold City, its elective and <br /> appointive boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any or all loss, <br /> liability, expense, claim, costs, suits, damages of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly <br /> arising from the performance of the work from Subdivider Subdivider's contractors', subcontractors', agents' <br /> or employees' operations under this Agreement. Subdivider agrees to, and shall, defend City and its elective <br /> and appointive boards, commissions, officers, agents and employees from any suits or actions at law or in <br /> equity for damages caused or alleged to have been caused, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations; <br /> provided as follows: <br /> TRACT MAP 7092 MEDALLION PHASE 2 <br /> SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT) <br /> CAMAPS \TM7092\SUBIM P I.ABS <br /> PAGE 6 OF 17 <br />
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