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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 4, 1996 Page - 5 - <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued) <br /> E. Joel Hartz, 13125 Neptune Drive, said 99% of the people use Marina <br /> Boulevard or Neptune Drive to go to the Blue Dolphin, and traffic is <br /> horrendous. He said a three -way stop on Marina Boulevard at Neptune <br /> Drive would make it more convenient for people on Neptune to get onto <br /> Marina. He was concerned that notice regarding another hotel at the <br /> Marina came from BCDC. He said the City Council should look at the <br /> final operational plan on the Blue Dolphin, rather than a hit - and -miss <br /> program. He said people have been lied to by omission and should have <br /> been asked for input. <br /> Mayor Corbett explained that nothing has come before the Council for a <br /> hotel; she said BCDC is just looking at whether or not they have <br /> jurisdiction. <br /> F. Audrey Albers, 2037 Marina Court, agreed traffic is horrendous. She <br /> also received the BCDC notice. She said Marina development has been <br /> talked about for years, but she's never seen anything about this. She <br /> asked how BCDC can say the City is going to do something that the City <br /> doesn't know about. <br /> The City Manager said those who propose development for the Marina can <br /> present their projects to BCDC regarding jurisdictional issues. Those <br /> are done independently of the City. It is not the City's proposal; it <br /> is being proposed by the Renaissance Conference Center. City staff <br /> does not control what BCDC puts on a notice. <br /> Council Member Perry said the notice, which was from the BCDC Design <br /> Review Board, is sent out even before the matter comes to the actual <br /> BCDC Commission. <br /> G. Dana Johnson, 343 Farrelly Drive, congratulated the unions and <br /> developer for getting together on the project. He said a lot of <br /> traffic engineering consideration was given to humps in other areas of <br /> town but none to Marina Boulevard. He noted no one ran in the Hayward <br /> election. He thanked Council Members Kerr, Myers, and Perry, who will <br /> be leaving office, for their work for the community and hopes they will <br /> continue to be leading voices about what can continue to be done for <br /> San Leandro. <br /> H. Rick Richards, 335 Peralta Avenue, Friends of San Leandro Creek, <br /> discussed the recent Trout Watch and insect habitat survey. He said <br /> Friends of the Creek is looking for assistance in getting young people <br /> involved in the Watershed Awareness Festival science fair and essay, <br /> photography, and art contests. He discussed prizes being offered. He <br /> said a food drive will be held during the month of April for the Women <br /> and Children's Shelter and Davis Street Community Center. He said <br /> there is a lot of community support, and a number of businesses are <br /> providing locations for barrels. He said hunger is a year -round issue. <br />