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Minutes 1996 0304
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1996 0304
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 4, 1996 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> Council Member Perry said she would not be comfortable with the <br /> contract until there is discussion about the criteria. <br /> Council Member Loeffler said objective criteria is needed so the <br /> Council is looking at apples and apples. He said this is a complex <br /> topic, with different agendas coming together in terms of the San <br /> Leandro Disposal proposals for recycling vs. City recycling, and <br /> objective data is needed. <br /> Council Member Galvan said the Council is concerned about providing the <br /> best possible deal for the ratepayers. He said the best approach would <br /> be to continue the existing residential refuse service with the City's <br /> refuse operation and for the City Manager to negotiate with the <br /> existing recycling provider for recycling and include in the <br /> negotiations the best possible rates and services for the ratepayers, <br /> a contract term of no more than five to seven years, and a franchise <br /> fee paid to the City. He said this process would eliminate the cost of <br /> consultants who are to help the City employees prepare a proposal for <br /> recycling services and would also decrease the cost of the Barakat and <br /> Chamberlin contract because they would just be analyzing the San <br /> Leandro Disposal bid for competitiveness with other agencies. <br /> Vice Mayor Kerr said he concurred. He said he likes the San Leandro <br /> Disposal program, including Supercycle, and would like to see a five - <br /> year contract for the existing recycling services. He said he would <br /> also like the City to continue to provide garbage service. He said a <br /> 96- gallon can is more than adequate for green waste. He said the <br /> Barakat and Chamberlin report on sewers contained many assumptions. <br /> Council Member Loeffler discussed the history of the issue and said the <br /> City was originally rushed because a recycling program was needed. He <br /> said he would prefer to see objective criteria to evaluate services and <br /> rates. He expressed concern about rushing the process. <br /> Mayor Corbett said she is concerned about the ratepayers. She said she <br /> has not heard any suggestions on how to analyze the two contracts. She <br /> said the Council is talking about millions of dollars, involving a <br /> complicated process, affecting 18,000 households. She said she wants to <br /> make sure both contracts can be adequately analyzed. She said there <br /> were other options, but the Council decided not to pursue a full bid <br /> process because people are happy with the service provided. She said <br /> full analysis of the two contracts would provide the most competitive <br /> service. She said her hope was that the City would have the <br /> opportunity to actually give money back to the ratepayers, perhaps 51 <br /> or 52 per month, and that is why she thinks the analysis is needed. <br /> She asked the City Manager if there is anyone in -house who can perform <br /> this analysis. <br />
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