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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 15, 1996 Page - 12 - <br /> JOINT CITY COUNCIL /REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING (continued) <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, Debbie Potter, Redevelopment Administrator, presented the <br /> staff report. She described the property involved and reviewed the <br /> proposed actions. She discussed property acquisition and costs and <br /> the potential revenue to the City. <br /> Tim Kelly, Keyser- Marston, discussed the need for public investment. <br /> He said, without Redevelopment Agency assistance, the costs would be <br /> prohibitive for an automall. He said the agreement decreases the <br /> price from $17 per square foot to $12. He said this is an excellent <br /> redevelopment strategy because these are multiple parcels which the <br /> private sector could not assemble on its own and which are not <br /> conducive to retail such as Marina Square. He said the land value <br /> is fair and reasonable. The developer also has other costs related <br /> to the site. He said $20 million in annual sales is conservative, <br /> • and the sales tax figures are reasonable. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, said he and his neighbors are <br /> concerned the automall will eventually utilize flags and banners, <br /> and cars will be parked on the sidewalks. He said he hopes there <br /> are some restrictions and some dignity in conducting this business. <br /> Mayor Corbett asked if he supported the project otherwise. Mr. <br /> Rosenga said he thinks it should be privately funded, and it is a <br /> give -away to the land owners. <br /> Tom Guarino, Chamber of Commerce, said the Board supports the <br /> project. They are pleased with the architecture, and there are <br /> financing benefits to the City such as tax revenues. He said this <br /> project would remove any additional pressures on existing businesses <br /> and taxpayers to absorb challenges faced in the future, generate <br /> jobs, and revitalize a main gateway. He said the Chamber cannot <br /> endorse eminent domain at this time. <br /> Betsy Venters, 1322 Castro Street, asked where employees will park. <br /> Ms. Potter said the developer will be required to meet all on -site <br /> parking requirements existing in the Code. Ms. Venters said the <br /> newspaper reported the property owner is being subjected to <br /> intimidation because he was told the Agency offer would not be the <br /> same under eminent domain. She said the City should not use <br /> intimidation, and there should perhaps be a third appraisal. She <br /> said the property owner seems to be willing if the price is right. <br /> Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, asked if any taxpayer money is <br /> changing hands as part of the Reynolds and Gray contract. The City <br /> Manager said the source of funding is City money, which is taxpayer <br /> money. Mr. Filipovich asked questions regarding housing replace- <br /> ment; staff described the units that would be designated as replace- <br /> ment units and the costs involved. In response to Mr. Filipovich's <br /> questions, the City Manager said there is no assessment district <br /> involved in this project. <br />