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• Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 14 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - August 5, 1996 <br /> Potter: When the project was bid, the contractors bid on both options so <br /> the Council could make a decision in early September and go either way on <br /> the signal or stop signs. Regarding meters, we are bidding to include <br /> meters on Parrott, because of the types of retailers on Parrott -- a hair <br /> salon and other retail uses that need the parking turn over. I think we <br /> are looking at a two -hour time limit. We have a downtown parking study <br /> which recently surveyed the businesses with regard to meters. For <br /> businesses the issue of turnover is important. <br /> Council Member Galvan: I understand Council Member Glaze's concerns. I <br /> also want to say that I want to see the project proceed and to see both the <br /> Scribner and Pelton projects improved. I travel that street every day, and <br /> I am constantly at the intersection of Washington and Parrott. I can tell <br /> you that, in my opinion, the four -way stop works. When it was flashing red <br /> it worked; I didn't see a huge volume that backed up. The intersection <br /> that is tougher is San Leandro Boulevard and Parrott. I know there are <br /> signals on Joaquin and Juana. I have to say that it is my District, and <br /> the President of the homeowners' association is concerned. I share Council <br /> Member Glaze's concern in that I don't know that we have received enough <br /> input and feedback from staff on studies, neighborhood input, and that type <br /> of thing. Again, I think the four -way stop works at that intersection. I <br /> would be prepared to move forward on that this evening. <br /> Mayor Corbett: We could look at both. <br /> Potter: We could come back and let you take another shot at the four -way <br /> stop or signal. Conventional wisdom says you should remove the signal if <br /> you don't have the volume. It amounts to 53,000 for maintenance of a <br /> signal each year. <br /> Council Member Loeffler: The information is not coming back to us. <br /> Parking meters is a major issue. There is a survey, that is important <br /> information to have back to us. <br /> Mayor Corbett: The survey has been done, and it is coming back to us. <br /> There is time and space on the Agenda. It is scheduled, the agendas are <br /> already backed up through August. <br /> Potter: I apologize, the downtown parking study is a separate project from <br /> Parrott Street. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa: I know you conducted the survey with the <br /> business people. They would like to see the signal retained. There is a <br /> lot of traffic on Parrott from Dolores. With the signal blinking, these <br /> people see it blinking and they think it is red. Only because it is a <br /> blinking light now. If you remove that you would have the same thing where <br /> people just disregard the stop sign and they go right through. Retain it <br /> for safety's sake. You have a signal on East 14th and Parrott, and I think <br /> it is necessary at Washington, too. <br /> Council Member Loeffler: The retention of a signal is something that staff <br /> doesn't have a clear direction on. <br />