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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 7 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - August 5, 1996 <br /> 3.3 Matter of City's 1996 -97 Annual Appropriation Limit. <br /> • <br /> This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br /> matter, John Jermanis presented the staff report. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> There being no comments from the public, on motion of Council Member <br /> Loeffler, seconded by Council Member Galvan, and carried by a <br /> majority vote (7), the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> The following Resolution was then introduced: <br /> 3.3.1 Resolution No. 96 -125, Establishing Appropriation Limit, <br /> Fiscal Year 1996 -97 (establishes the City's spending limit for <br /> the 1996 -97 budget, as required by State law). (2341) <br /> M /S /C Loeffler and Polvorosa. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> 2. PRESENTATIONS (Continued) <br /> 2.1 Commendation to Olga S. Frey for her receipt of the Liberty Bell <br /> Award and for her many years of dedicated service. <br /> Mayor Corbett: We have already gone through the presentation <br /> portion; however, Olga Frey is here now and I would like to go back <br /> and make the presentation to Olga Frey. <br /> Mayor Corbett: Called forward Olga Frey and presented the <br /> Proclamation. <br /> Mrs. Frey: Thank you Mayor Corbett. The Mayor and Council Member <br /> Loeffler can take a nap because they have heard my story. You can't <br /> possibly get to a spot like this by yourself. I would like to tell <br /> you about my greatest supporter. It was 1930, my sixth grade teacher <br /> said you have to go to college. I was so naive I thought that was a <br /> town. I went home and asked my mother, how do you get to college. <br /> My mother sat me down and taught me the facts of life and told me <br /> that I would have to forget college. I reported this to my teacher; <br /> she said oh no, you mustn't forget this. My mother was the kind of <br /> baker that her pies would get first place. She said, if you will go <br /> out and deliver before and after school I will bake. We did this for <br /> six years. For those six years, my mother never went to bed. With <br /> that kind of support I had to succeed. I asked how I could ever <br /> repay her. I said mama I don't know how I could possibly repay you. <br /> She said, all you have to do is be kind to others and help them. <br /> Council Member Glaze: I noticed the frame was not in purple. We <br /> should have gotten a purple frame. We have always known Mrs. Frey as <br /> the lady in purple. The first thing you would notice in Mrs. Frey's <br /> office was her purple desk. <br />