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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 11 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - November 18, 1996 <br /> Council Member Galvan asked Mr. Carlson to clarify the aspects of the <br /> issue with which he is in disagreement; he noted that they can not <br /> make everyone happy. He said the Council is trying to strike a <br /> balance in order to slow traffic. Mr. Carlson said he wanted the <br /> circles to remain; he had thought that the existing circles would <br /> remain. Council Member Galvan said the combined circle and hump <br /> solution was successful; but at the circles cars were driving too <br /> close to pedestrians and creating a potential hazard. Mr. Carlson <br /> said the pilot program initiated a hump- circle -hump design, but they <br /> had not been installed in that manner; they did not work as a unit <br /> because they had been too spread out. He said the Council had <br /> directed that the devices be spread out in order to prevent vehicles <br /> from speeding in between the devices. <br /> 4.5 Margaret Carlson, 721 Joaquin Avenue, expressed concern for the <br /> neighborhood. She said emphasis is on the cars rather than the <br /> neighbors. She was offended by the comments pertaining to lower <br /> property values and humps as "undesirable." She applauded Mr. <br /> Kruger's coming into the neighborhood; she also congratulated the <br /> neighbors for taking the issue to this length - it had been longer <br /> than five years. <br /> 4.6 John 8onwell, 1904 Linwood Way, said he has been a resident since <br /> 1960. He said he had designed traffic diversions for the City of <br /> Berkeley. He asked why traffic is suddenly considered unbearable. <br /> He said, from his perspective, traffic is fine. He said, however, he <br /> sympathizes with the Joaquin Avenue residents and suggested a barrier <br /> to prevent entrance onto Joaquin Avenue. He supports the staff <br /> report to remove the circles. <br /> 4.7 Howard Kerr, 15388 Norton Street, commended staff on the humps, and <br /> said circles would not work due to the streets not being wide enough <br /> in the area. He commended' staff and the City Council for a lengthy <br /> study. He said he is a member of the Washington Manor Homeowners' <br /> Association, and they receive many complaints regarding speeding <br /> vehicles. He suggested that the City Council increase funding for <br /> future expansion of the program to other areas in town. He suggested <br /> the speed -hump program be prioritized by schools, parks, libraries, <br /> day care facilities, and senior facilities. <br /> 4.8 Mark Behning, 725 Joaquin Avenue, thanked the Council for considering <br /> the speeding issue. He summarized the process to date. He said it <br /> has been important to promote unity throughout the neighborhoods. He <br /> said the program has changed since its inception, without public <br /> input. He presented a petition from homeowners on Joaquin Avenue who <br /> are in favor of retaining the traffic circles. He understands safety <br /> issues are a concern. He suggested humps and stop signs or humps and <br /> smaller circles. He asked the Council to keep working with the <br /> neighbors and to direct staff to continue as well. <br /> 4.9 Jeff Kerry, 697 Juana Avenue, said he supports humps and bumps and <br /> any traffic device that will reduce speeds on the streets. He said <br /> people will want to live on streets where traffic is slowed down. <br />