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(k) Conventional Pollutant. Conventional Pollutant shall mean biochemical oxygen <br /> demand, organic carbon, suspended solids, ammonia, nitrogen, pH, and total coliform bacteria, <br /> plus additional pollutants identified in the POTW's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination <br /> System (NTPDES) Permit if the POTW was designed to treat such pollutant, and if such pollutants <br /> do not interfere with the operations of the POTW or adversely impact sludge use and disposal <br /> and, in fact, the POTW does remove such pollutant to a substantial degree. <br /> (I) Composite Sample. Composite Sample shall mean a sample which is collected <br /> manually or automatically, and discretely or continuously , based on time or flow intervals. <br /> (m) Conservative Pollutant. Conservative Pollutant shall mean a pollutant that is not <br /> metabolized by the treatment processes in a conventional wastewater treatment plant. A <br /> conservative pollutant may be removed by the treatment processes and retained in the biosolids, <br /> may be volatilized and lost in fugitive air emissions or may be discharged with the plant's <br /> effluent. Although the pollutant may be chemically changed in the treatment process, it can still <br /> be detected and may still be detrimental to the environment. <br /> (n) Contamination. Contamination shall mean an impairment of the quality of the <br /> Waters of the State by waste to a degree which creates a hazard to the public health through <br /> poisoning or through the spread of disease. Contamination shall include any equivalent effect <br /> resulting from the disposal of wastewater, whether or not Waters of the State are affected. <br /> (o) Cooling Water, Cooling Water shall mean the water discharged from any use <br /> such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, or to which the only pollutant added is heat. <br /> (p) Diluting Waters. Diluting Waters shall mean cooling water, domestic sewage, <br /> ground water, surface drainage or potable waters which are not parts of an industrial process and <br /> which do not contain constituents for which US -EPA pretreatment limitations apply but which <br /> are combined with industrial process wastewater prior to the monitoring. <br /> (q) Direct Discharge. Direct Discharge shall mean the discharge of treated or <br /> untreated wastewater directly to the Waters of the State of California. <br /> (r) Director. Director shall mean the City Manager, or his or her designee, including <br /> authorized personnel. <br /> (s) Domestic Sewage. Domestic Sewage shall mean liquid and waterborne wastes <br /> derived from the ordinary living processes, free from industrial wastes, and of such character as <br /> to permit satisfactory disposal, without special treatment, into the City's sewerage system. <br /> (t) East Bay Dischargers Authority. East Bay Dischargers Authority shall mean the <br /> joint powers of authority comprised of the City of Hayward, the City of San Leandro, the Oro <br /> Lorna Sanitary District, the Castro Valley Sanitary District, and the Union Sanitary District. <br /> (u) EPA. EPA shall mean the United States Environmental Protection Agency. <br /> 3 <br />