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immediate neighborhood in which the Project Area is located; (2) that no other <br /> reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, structures or other <br /> improvements are available to the community; and (3) that the payment of funds <br /> for acquisition of land or the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other <br /> improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions <br /> inside the Project Area or provide housing for low- or moderate - income persons, <br /> and is consistent with the implementation plan adopted pursuant to section 33490 <br /> of the California Health and Safety Code." <br /> C. Amendments To Section 800 (Administration, Enforcement and Amendment of the Plan) <br /> The first paragraph of Section 800A of the Plan is revised in its entirety to read as follows <br /> (by striking the former second and third sentences of the paragraph and by adding text to the first <br /> sentence as shown below). <br /> "The administration and enforcement of this Plan or other documents <br /> implementing this Plan shall be performed by the Agency (subject to alternative <br /> administrative and enforcement arrangements as may be agreed upon between the <br /> City of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and the Alameda County <br /> Redevelopment Agency)." <br /> PART THREE: DESIGNATION OF AGENCY <br /> The City Council of the City of San Leandro designates the City of San Leandro <br /> Redevelopment Agency as the Redevelopment Agency for that portion of the John <br /> Redevelopment Project that lies within the City of San Leandro and further designates the City <br /> of San Leandro as the legislative body for that portion of the Joint Redevelopment Project that <br /> lies within the City of San Leandro. <br /> PART FOUR: EFFECT OF AMENDMENTS <br /> All provisions of the Plan not specifically amended in this Amendment shall continue in <br /> full force and effect. <br /> PART FIVE: ANY PART INVALID <br /> If any part of this Ordinance or the Redevelopment Plan which it approves is held to be <br /> invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this <br /> Ordinance or of the Redevelopment Plan, or the Redevelopment Plan as it existed prior to <br /> adoption of this Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the <br /> remainder of this Ordinance or approved the remainder of the Redevelopment Plan if such <br /> invalid portion thereof had been deleted. <br /> 4 <br />