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SAN LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE <br /> TITLE VI VEHICLES <br /> CHAPTER 6 -6 TAXIS <br /> 6 -6 -315 GROUNDS FOR DENIAL. <br /> The chief of police may deny an application for a taxicab driver's permit filed by any <br /> person for any of the following reasons: <br /> (a) The applicant is under twenty -one (21) years of age; <br /> (b) The applicant is not in possession of a valid driver's license issued by the <br /> California Department of Motor Vehicles for the type of vehicle the applicant proposes to <br /> use as a taxicab in the City; <br /> (c) The applicant has received a positive result in any random test for controlled <br /> substances and alcohol within the prior twelve (12) calendar months; <br /> (d) The applicant has failed to provide the information required for the permit <br /> application; <br /> (e) Information required on the application was misstated or omitted; <br /> (f) The applicant has been convicted of an offense which requires registration <br /> pursuant to California Penal Code Section 290; <br /> (g) Applicant has been convicted, within a ten (10) year period prior to the <br /> application date. of an offense involving the sale of a controlled substance specified in <br /> Sections 11054. 11055. 11056. 11057. 1 1058, 11351, 11352. 11358 through 1 1363 or 11378 <br /> through 11380 of the California Health and Safety Code. or equivalent offenses under the <br /> laws of another jurisdiction, even if expunged pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4; <br /> (h) Applicant has been convicted, within a ten (10) year period prior to the <br /> application date, of any offense involving the use of force or violence upon another person; <br /> (i) Applicant has been convicted of any offense involving sexual misconduct with <br /> children or adults; <br /> (j) The applicant has engaged in any conduct which would constitute an offense as <br /> described in subsections (g) or (h) of this section. during the ten (10) year period prior to the <br /> application date: <br /> (k) The applicant has been arrested or convicted. during the ten (10) year period prior <br /> to the application date, of reckless driving or driving under the influence of any drug or <br /> intoxicating liquor. regardless of whether the incident resulted in bodily injury or death; <br /> (I) The applicant is on parole or probation for a crime, and the crime is substantially <br /> related to the qualifications; functions or duties of a taxicab driver; <br /> (m) Applicant has had a taxicab driver's permit or driver's identification card issued <br /> pursuant to this chapter, or issued by another jurisdiction, revoked within the past three (3) <br /> years; or <br /> (n) The Chief of Police determines that granting of a taxicab driver's permit would <br /> be in violation of any law or would endanger the public health, peace or safety. <br /> 10 <br />