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A <br /> (g) Such other actions as may be permitted by law; and <br /> WHEREAS, in the Plan Adoption Ordinance, the City Council found and <br /> determined that: "The Project Area is a blighted area, the redevelopment of which is <br /> necessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the California Community <br /> Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code section 33000 et seq.) ;" and <br /> WHEREAS, since adoption of the Plan, the assessed value of the property in a <br /> portion of the Project Area ( "Bayfair Mall Property ") has declined precipitously, from <br /> 5130,457,666 in 1994 -95 to 532,977,466 in 2000 -2001; and <br /> • WHEREAS, the dramatic drop in assessed value of the Bayfair Mall Property <br /> threatens the ability of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro (the <br /> "Agency ") to pursue the purposes of the Project Area, including the elimination of blight, <br /> identified in the Plan Adoption Ordinance and the Plan itself; and <br /> WHEREAS, the dramatic drop in assessed value of the Bayfair Mall Property has <br /> had a severe fiscal impact on the Agency, which impact threatens the public peace, <br /> health, and safety; and <br /> WHEREAS, notwithstanding the persistence of blighting conditions within the <br /> Bayfair Mall Property, the City Council has determined that in order to fulfill the intent <br /> and purposes for the Project Area identified in the Plan Adoption Ordinance and the Plan <br /> itself and to protect the public peace, health, and safety, it is necessary and appropriate to <br /> remove the Bayfair Mall Property from the Project Area; and <br /> WHEREAS, in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33346, the <br /> Sixth Amendment to the Alameda County — City of San Leandro Redevelopment Plan for <br /> the Alameda County — City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project Area (the "Plan <br /> Amendment ") was submitted to the City Planning Commission for review and <br /> recommendation; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33674, the Plan <br /> Amendment must be in effect by November 30, 2001 to alleviate the severe fiscal impact <br /> on the Agency for the next tax year which begins on January 1, 2002; and <br /> WHEREAS, notwithstanding the fact that the Plan Amendment has been <br /> prepared pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33450 et seq., the Agency has <br /> nonetheless, by certified mail dated September 18, 2001, notified the county auditor and <br /> assessor, the governing body of each taxing agency which levies taxes upon property in <br /> the Project Area, and the State Board of Equalization of this Plan Amendment by <br /> transmitting to them a description of the boundaries of the Project Area after adoption of <br /> the Plan Amendment, a statement that the Plan Amendment is being prepared, and a map <br /> of the Project Area after adoption of the Plan Amendment ; and <br />