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The fact that the area is divided by the San Leandro - Oakland City <br /> boundary with part accessible only via substandard Oakland streets and a <br /> deteriorated area of Oakland. <br /> The area is very visible from BART and the San Leandro Boulevard <br /> gateway to the City so new development must have high quality design. <br /> In order to achieve high quality redevelopment, it is necessary to provide a second access <br /> and eliminate or respond properly to all the other constraints. This will require a <br /> comprehensive approach to planning and development and the new development will <br /> have to be intensive and valuable enough to bear almost all of the substantial costs of <br /> eliminating the constraints. Lower quality, piecemeal development that compromises the <br /> opportunity to properly improve the entire area should not be permitted. Present zoning <br /> should be amended to provide for discretionary review of all new development in the <br /> interim until the appropriate planning and development approaches are determined. <br /> That determination should be made at such time as either one or more property owners <br /> are prepared to take the lead and pay the costs for a private comprehensive redevelopment <br /> program or the City is prepared to undertake redevelopment or other public approaches to <br /> solution of the areas problems. In either situation, the most appropriate uses appear to be <br /> in the light industrial, business park, eF office categories or residential development that <br /> is master planned with the proper infrastructure and amenities such as access roads, <br /> utilities, outdoor open space (park area) and soundwalls to mitigate the noise impact <br /> from the adjacent rail lines. The site would be conveniently located to the goods and <br /> services offered at the City of San Leandro Downtown and is conveniently located to <br /> public transportation and freeway access for the aforementioned uses. The area- is-aet <br /> If acceptable access can be provided, such as by the northerly extension of Alvarado <br /> Street across San Leandro Creek, a plan for new use of the area using the procedural <br /> approach set forth in the General Plan should be prepared. The product of that approach <br /> might be a Specific Plan, to be implemented primarily by private owners and developers, <br /> possibly using an assessment district approach. Alternatively, and necessary to eliminate <br /> blighting factors, a Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City and Redevelopment Agency. <br /> GENERAL CONCLUSIONS REGARDING MAJOR CHANGE AREAS <br /> The major change areas discussed above are complex areas with numerous uncertainties <br /> which require further analysis by the City and any potential developers. The future use <br /> considerations listed above are only a guide to be used during the site analysis process <br /> described previously. The City's experience has been that major development proposals <br /> usually differ somewhat from previous expectations and plans, usually for very good and <br /> not fully foreseen reasons. The fact that a proposal does not exactly match some <br /> previously adopted plan does not necessarily make it "bad" as there are many variations <br /> and alternatives which can be "good" planning. As stated above, having a sound process <br /> for decision making is the key to good decisions. <br /> V - 96 (revised) December 3, 1998 <br />