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plan and the Environmental Impact Report for the Redevelopment Plan submitted <br /> pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21 151 and Health and Safety Code <br /> Section 33352; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br /> LEANDRO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Section 1: That the purpose and intent of the City Council regarding the <br /> Project Area is to accomplish to the greatest feasible extent the following: <br /> a. Elimination of conditions of blight, as defined in Health and Safety <br /> Code Sections 33030 and 33031, from the Project Area. <br /> b. Prevention of recurrence of conditions of blight in the Project Area. <br /> c. Carrying out of redevelopment within the Project Area in accordance <br /> with the Redevelopment Plan <br /> d. Participation of owners in redevelopment of property in the Project Area <br /> in conformance with the Redevelopment Plan and Health and Safety <br /> Code Section 33380. <br /> e. Provision of reentry preferences for persons engaged in business within <br /> the Project Area <br /> f. Provision for relocation of families and persons displaced, if any, <br /> through adoption of a relocation plan in accordance with Health and <br /> Safety Code Section 33367(d)(8)(B). <br /> g. Carrying out or providing for the carrying out of redevelopment in the <br /> Project Area in the interest of the general welfare pursuant to Health <br /> and Safety Code Sections 33020 and 33021, including planning, <br /> development, replanning, redesign, clearance, reconstruction, and <br /> provision of those residential, commercial, industrial, public or other <br /> structures or spaces as may be appropriate, including recreational and <br /> other facilities incidental or appurtenant to them, alteration, <br /> improvement, modernization, reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing <br /> structures, provision for open -space types of use such as streets and <br /> other public grounds and space around buildings, public or private <br /> 3 <br />