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buildings, structures and improvements, and improvement of public or <br /> private recreation areas and other public grounds. <br /> h. Protection and promotion of the sound development and redevelopment <br /> of the Project Area and the general welfare of the inhabitants of the City <br /> by remedying conditions of blight through the employment of all <br /> appropriate means pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section <br /> 33035(a). <br /> Expansion of the housing supply, employment opportunities, and <br /> provision of an environment for the social, economic and psychological <br /> growth and well -being of all citizens in accordance with Health and <br /> Safety Code Section 33071. <br /> j. Carrying out or providing for the carrying out of such other acts as may <br /> be permitted by law. <br /> Section 2: That the City Council hereby finds and determines that: <br /> a. The Project Area is a blighted area in accordance with Section 33031 of <br /> the Health and Safety Code, and redevelopment of the Project Area is <br /> necessary to effectuate the public purposes of the Community <br /> Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq. ). <br /> This finding is based on the following conditions which characterize the <br /> Project Area. <br /> 1. The existence of inadequate public improvements, parking <br /> facilities or utilities pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section <br /> 33030(b)(2)(C). The Agency's Report to Council submitted in <br /> accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33344.5 details <br /> such conditions in the form of vehicular circulation and sewer <br /> deficiencies in the West San Leandro Sub Area, and in the form <br /> of vehicular circulation and parking deficiencies and deteriorated <br /> paving in the MacArthur Boulevard Sub Area within the Project <br /> Area. <br /> 2. Buildings in which it is unsafe or unhealthy for persons to live or <br /> work, caused by serious building code violations, dilapidation and <br /> deterioration, defective design or physical construction, faulty or <br /> inadequate utilities, or other similar factors pursuant to Health <br /> 4 <br />