Section 3 -6 -225: UNACCEPTABLE WASTE. "Unacceptable waste" means any and all
<br /> waste, including but not limited to Hazardous Waste and Medical Waste, the acceptance of
<br /> which would cause a violation of any permit condition or legal or regulatory requirement,
<br /> damage collection equipment or facilities, or present a substantial endangerment to the health or
<br /> safety of the public or persons engaged in the collection and disposal of such waste.
<br /> Unacceptable waste also includes human waste and other potentially infectious material,
<br /> and liquid garbage. Unacceptable waste shall not be deposited in garbage containers.
<br /> "Hazardous waste" means any material or substance which poses an actual or potential risk to
<br /> public health and safety or to the environment by virtue of being poisonous, toxic, corrosive, bio-
<br /> accumulative, reactive, ignitable, radioactive, infectious or otherwise harmful, including those
<br /> defined in Section 25100 et seq. (Hazardous Waste Control Act) of the California Public Health
<br /> & Safety Code, or the regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time.
<br /> Hazardous waste includes any material or substance that requires special handling under any
<br /> present or future federal, state or local law. Unless the context requires otherwise. Hazardous
<br /> waste shall include household hazardous waste.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -227: MEDICAL WASTE. "Medical waste" means that waste as defined in
<br /> California Health & Safety Code Section 117690 (Medical Waste Management Act), or the
<br /> regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -230: DISPOSAL SITE. "Disposal site" shall mean the premises or site here the
<br /> disposal of solid waste, refuse, garbage, rubbish, industrial waste, commercial garbage,
<br /> commercial rubbish or any thereof, not produced on such premises or site, is permitted.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -235: CONTAMINATION. "Contamination" means an impairment of the
<br /> quality of the waters of the State by sewage, refuse, garbage or industrial waste, to a degree
<br /> which creates an actual hazard to public health through poisoning or through the spread of
<br /> disease. Contamination shall include any equivalent effect resulting from the disposal of
<br /> sewage, refuse, garbage, or industrial waste, whether or not waters of the State are affected.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -240: POLLUTION. "Pollution" means an impairment of the quality of the
<br /> waters of the State by sewage, refuse, garbage, or industrial waste, to a degree which does not
<br /> create an actual hazard to the public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect
<br /> such waters for domestic, industrial, agricultural, navigational, recreational, or other beneficial
<br /> use.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -245: FIRE HAZARD. "Fire hazard" shall mean any condition which increases
<br /> or may cause an increase in that degree of danger from fire over that customarily recognized as
<br /> normal by persons in the public service of preventing or extinguishing fire. It shall also mean
<br /> any condition or any act which may obstruct, delay, or hinder, or may become the cause of an
<br /> obstruction, a delay, or a hindrance to the prevention, suppression, or extinguishment of fire.
<br /> Section 3 -6 -250: DISPOSAL. No person shall, except at a duly authorized disposal site or
<br /> transfer station operating pursuant to franchise with the City, dump, deposit, or dispose of, or
<br /> cause or permit the dumping, depositing, or disposal of solid waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse,
<br /> industrial waste, or commercial garbage, or rubbish, or any thereof, on premises in the City of
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