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• <br /> Section 2 -5 -455. DISTRICT BUDGET. <br /> For each Maintenance District formed hereunder, a budget shall be <br /> established annually by the City Council as part of the regular budget approval process <br /> for the City as a whole. Each such Maintenance District budget shall show the sources <br /> and uses of funds and the resulting total Costs and Expenses of Maintenance to be <br /> assessed upon the parcels of land in the Maintenance District. A surplus or a deficit in <br /> any Maintenance District's account at the end of each Fiscal Year shall be carried over to <br /> the following Fiscal Year. <br /> The City may make a contribution or loan to any Maintenance District's <br /> account at any time from other funds of the City lawfully available for such purpose. Any <br /> such loan shall be repaid in the manner determined by the City Council at the time the <br /> loan is approved. Interest earned on fund balances shall be credited to the account of the <br /> Maintenance District. <br /> Section 2 -5 -460. CHANGES. <br /> From time to time the City Council may make changes to any Maintenance <br /> District formed hereunder. The following changes shall be made only after the affected <br /> owners have been given notice and public hearings in the manner provided herein for the <br /> formation of the Maintenance District: <br /> A. Annexation of land to the Maintenance District, without written <br /> consent of the owners of all land to be annexed. <br /> B. A material change in the scope of Improvements to be Maintained. <br /> C. A change in the formula or method by which the Costs and Expenses <br /> of Maintenance are distributed among the parcels of land in the Maintenance District. <br /> D. An increase in the maximum annual assessment on any parcel. <br /> E. In the event that a finite period of time was authorized for the levy of <br /> assessments at the time of Maintenance District formation, any extension of the period of <br /> years for which the levy of assessments is authorized. <br /> All other changes, including without limitation the dissolution of the <br /> Maintenance District, annexation to the Maintenance District with the consent of the <br /> owners of the annexed land, or consolidation of two or more Maintenance Districts, may <br /> be made without further notice or hearing. Upon dissolution of a Maintenance District, <br /> I0 <br />