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(3) feet wide, for an aggregate of six (6) feet, located on each side property line of each lot from the <br /> back for the sidewalk to the front yard setback, or twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater. <br /> 6. All typical street fixtures, including but not limited to fire hydrants, electroliers, signs, and utility <br /> boxes, shall be located within the P.U.E. behind the sidewalks. <br /> 7. The Subdivider shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br /> Department prior to beginning any work within any public right -of -way. <br /> 8. Prior to the recordation of the final map with the Alameda County Recorder, the Subdivider shall <br /> submit to the City Engineer a computer disk with a file of the points and lines of the final map in an <br /> AutoCAD readable format compatible with the City's Automated Mapping System. <br /> 9. Prior to issuance of building permits for the project, the Subdivider shall obtain City Council approval <br /> of Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps, and enter into Subdivision Improvement Agreement and <br /> other agreements required by the City Engineer. <br /> 10. During construction the following high standards for sanitation are required: Garbage cans, <br /> construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on a minimum weekly basis. All food <br /> related trash items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed <br /> containers only and shall be regularly removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as pout of the <br /> regular construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance of the Subdivider and <br /> contractors with this requirement. <br /> 11. If the design of any site improvement in any phase requires encroachments onto neighboring <br /> properties during construction, written agreements with that property owner shall be submitted to the <br /> City Engineer, for review and approval, prior to approval of the Final Map. <br /> 12. The vesting tentative maps are a general plan of development. All details of construction, including, <br /> but not limited to, on -site pavement slopes, pavement section design, illumination, drainage, etc., are <br /> subject to the approval of the City Engineer. <br /> 13. Any existing utilities, pipelines and other appurtenant structures, that are to remain after development, <br /> if damaged during constriction, shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br /> 14. Prior to the recordation of the final map with the Alameda County Recorder, the Subdivider shall <br /> submit to the City Engineer for approval, all documentation relating to the Joint Access and Utility <br /> Easement (J.A.U.E.) for Lots 4 & 5. <br /> B. STREETS & DRIVEWAYS <br /> I. The minimum driveway width shall be 16 feet for Lot 1 and 14 feet for Lot 2 to Lots. "No Parking" <br /> shall be designated between the driveways for Lots I & 2 and Lots 3 & 4/5. Any existing parking <br /> spaces in this location shall be eliminated. Parking shall be allowed only between the driveways for <br /> Lots 2 & 3. Any proposed striping modifications on Estudillo Avenue shall be as approved by the <br /> Transportation Administrator. <br /> Page 2 of5 <br />