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Strategic Plan — FY 2000 -FY 2004 <br /> City of San Leandro <br /> Page I of35 <br /> Executive Summary <br /> FY 2000 -2004 Five -Year Strategic Plan <br /> - <br /> Background - Consolidated Plan Process <br /> Each year, San Leandro receives two grants from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban <br /> Development (HUD). The FY 2000 -01 allocation for the Community Development Block Grant <br /> (CDBG) is $715,000. The FY 2000 -01 allocation for the Housing Investment Partnership Program <br /> (HOME) is $270,000. The grant amount, vary from year to year. <br /> Funds from the CDBG grant must be used to meet one of three national objectives: 1) benefit to low and <br /> moderate income persons; 2) aid in the prevention of slum and blight: or 3) meet urgent need. HOME <br /> funds must be used specifically for housing opportunities for low and moderate - income persons. <br /> The grant application process is known as the Consolidated Plan and includes a Five -Year Strategic Plan <br /> and an annual update called the Action Plan. The Consolidated Plan process requires grantees to provide <br /> a single submission document for several grant fund proposals, including CDBG and HOME funds. The <br /> City participates in the Alameda County HOME Consortium to apply for HOME and CDBG funds. The <br /> Consortium is made up of the Alameda County cities, excluding Berkeley and Oakland. The County <br /> serves as the lead agency for the Consortium and is responsible for submittal of the Consolidated Plan <br /> documents to HUD on behalf of the entire Consortium. The County serves as the lead agency for <br /> HOME funds, and the City serves as the lead agency for CDBG funds. <br /> Citizen Participation <br /> Public participation in determining priorities was incorporated into the Consolidated Plan process in a <br /> variety of ways. To assess housing and community development needs, over six hundred surveys were <br /> distributed to a variety of citizen groups including City Boards, Commissions, neighborhood <br /> associations and non - profit groups serving the community. The Human Resources Commission <br /> participated in the Community Assistance and Capital Improvement funding process for non- profit <br /> agencies. Capital improvement project funding was also reviewed through the City's CIP Committee. <br /> Notice of the availability of the draft Consolidated Plan was published in the newspaper on March 30, <br /> 2000 and April 2, 2000. Notice of the availability of the Draft Consolidated Plan was posted at City <br /> Hall and at the Main Library. On April 13, 2000 an article regarding the Consolidated Plan was <br /> published in the San Leandro Times. On April 14, 2000, staff was available in the Gallery Room at City <br /> Hall to answer questions regarding the Consolidated Plan. Finally, on May 1, 2000 a public hearing <br /> regarding the Consolidated Plan was held in San Leandro and the public hearing for the Alameda <br /> County Consortium was held on May 11, 2000. <br />