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Strategic Plan — FY 2000 -FY 2004 <br /> City of San Leandro <br /> Page 2 of 35 <br /> Five -Year Strategic Plan Priorities <br /> The Strategic Plan is divided into three Priority Needs: Affordable Housing, Homelessness and <br /> Community Development Needs which include Neighborhood Revitalization, Public Service Support <br /> and Public Facilities and Improvements. The following section provides a brief overview of these needs <br /> and activities proposed in the Five -Year Strategic Plan. <br /> Affordable Housing Needs <br /> Affordable rental and ownership housing is in short supply in Alameda County. The <br /> U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has defined "affordable" housing as housing <br /> which requires no more than 30 percent of a household's gross monthly income, including the cost of <br /> rent or mortgage payments, homeowner's fees, and utilities. 1990 Census data indicates that 30.4 percent <br /> of all San Leandro households paid more than 30 percent of their income on housing, with renters more <br /> heavily impacted than homeowners. Although current data on overpayment is not available, it is <br /> assumed that the percentage of overpayment has risen with the escalating cost of housing in the Bay <br /> Area. In addition to overpayment, the 1990 Census figdres also suggest a shortage of affordable rental <br /> units in San Leandro. <br /> In the Five -Year Plan, the City proposes to take several actions to address the need for affordable <br /> housing. The City proposes to continue support of the Southern Alameda County Section 8 Assistance <br /> Certificate and Voucher Program. Redevelopment funds will be used in a variety of ways including <br /> programs which preserve and create affordable housing such as the Apartment Rehabilitation Program, <br /> First Time Homebuyers Program and construction of affordable inclusionary units. The Community <br /> Development Block Grant will continue to support the preservation of affordable housing through the <br /> Housing Rehabilitation Program and a variety of housing counseling services. <br /> Homelessness Needs <br /> The Alameda Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care Plan indicates that there is an estimated 9,000 <br /> to 16,500 people homeless within Alameda County on any given night. Three - quarters Of this population <br /> identify Berkeley or Oakland as their place of residence and the remainder, between 2,000 and 3,500, <br /> consider other Alameda County communities as their primary place of residence. While services and <br /> housing opportunities for homeless people have steadily increased in Alameda County, they have not <br /> kept pace with the growth of homelessness. <br /> San Leandro has traditionally supported a number of homeless serving activities through the CDBG <br /> program. The Five -Year Plan proposes continued support for these activities over the next five years. <br /> Proposed activities include capital improvement and operational funding for programs such as the San <br /> Leandro Shelter for Women and Children and the Davis Street Family Resource Center. The City also <br /> proposes to fund activities such as the Allied Transitional Housing project which will provide <br /> transitional housing and <br />