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MINUTES Page 7 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District, and San Leandro <br /> Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting duly 19, 2010 <br /> A. Presentation on Traffic Safety and Calming Projects. <br /> Principal Engineer Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation on the major traffic and <br /> transportation projects underway in the City. <br /> Mr. Cooke responded to questions from the Council. <br /> Mayor Santos conveyed concerns from parents of Washington Elementary School <br /> students regarding crossing busy East 14 Street. Mr. Cooke indicated that the City will <br /> be performing "walk audits" of several schools. Mayor Santos requested that <br /> Washington Elementary' be considered for an audit. <br /> Councilmember Prola suggested installing a lighted crosswalk on Wicks between the <br /> Marina Community Center and the parking lot at Stenzel Park. <br /> Councilmember Stephens expressed gratitude for the work done in the Victoria area, <br /> noting that the residents of that area have been registering their concerns for some time. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak indicated that she has heard concerns about the safety of the <br /> intersection of Lewelling and Farnsworth, and she passed on a suggestion that a red <br /> light camera be installed there to calm traffic. <br /> B. Matter of Consideration of Placing a Sales Tax Measure on the November 2010 <br /> Election Ballot. <br /> Mr. Hollister gave a PowerPoint presentation, providing background on the City's <br /> financial situation, community polling, community input on how best to bridge the <br /> City's budget gap, and the proposal for a temporary sales tax measure of one - quarter of <br /> one percent (0.25 %). The measure would include the formation of a Citizens Oversight <br /> Committee and an annual independent audit of the funds collected and spent. Mr. <br /> Hollister reported on the budget and staffing reductions already made by the City, the <br /> additional reductions that would likely need to be made should the measure fail, and the <br /> staff recommendation to place the sales tax measure on the November ballot. <br /> Public Comments on Item 10.B.: <br /> Patrick Grajeda, President, San Leandro City Employees Association, addressed <br /> the City Council, commenting on the program and service reductions made by the City, <br /> and the need for the revenue measure. <br /> Nick Thom, President, San Leandro Management Organization, addressed the City <br /> Council, commenting on the City management staffs support for the revenue measure. <br /> Mr. Thom pointed out the decline in the quality of life for residents without the <br /> necessary revenues provided by the measure. <br />