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Maximum amount payable under the educational incentive program is six percent (6 %). <br /> Payment shall be made by separate check on or before June 5 and December 5 of each <br /> calendar year. Such payments shall not continue once an employee terminated <br /> employment as a sworn member of the San Leandro Police Department. <br /> In addition, employees in the PDIP program may elect to discontinue participation in that <br /> program and participate in the educational incentive program set forth in this section. <br /> Section 11. Uniform Allowance <br /> The uniform allowance shall be 51.050. Uniform allowance payments shall be made in a <br /> separate check during the month of July. <br /> For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, a Police Officer regularly assigned to <br /> motorcycle duties shall receive at the beginning of the assignment two (2) sets of motorcycle <br /> pants. <br /> Section 12. Holidays <br /> Full -time regular employees shall be entitled to the following holidays: New Year's Day; third <br /> Monday in January (Martin Luther King's birthday); Lincoln's Birthday; third Monday in <br /> February (Washington's Birthday); last Monday in May (Memorial Day); Independence Day; <br /> Labor Day; Admission Day; November 11 (Veterans Day); Thanksgiving Day; the day after <br /> Thanksgiving Day; Christmas, and every day proclaimed a City Holiday by the Mayor. When a <br /> day herein listed falls on an employee's regular day off, the employee shall be entitled to a day <br /> off in lieu thereof within the calendar year. The day selected shall be subject to approval of the <br /> Police Chief. When such day herein listed falls on a Sunday, such day off in lieu thereof shall be <br /> the Monday following such Sunday, except as hereinafter provided. <br /> Each employee represented by the Association shall also be entitled to one floating holiday, <br /> which shall be scheduled at time mutually convenient to the employee and the Police Chief. The <br /> floating holiday must be taken during each calendar year and may not be carried over to another <br /> calendar year or convened to pay. <br /> To the extent that operating conditions allow, employees are to be given the day off on the date <br /> of the holiday. Where operating conditions require established organized shifts to be regularly <br /> staffed without regard to holidays, the Police Chief shall designate by list the positions required <br /> to be staffed. The list of positions so designated shall be subject to approval of the City <br /> Manager, and shall be filed with the Human Resources Director and the Finance Director. If an <br /> employee holding a position on such a list works an established organized shift on a holiday, the <br /> employee can receive regular pay plus one and one -half times the regular hourly rate of pay <br /> times the hours worked on the holiday. As an alternate, the employee may receive regular pay <br /> for the holiday plus compensatory time off at the one and one -half time rate. Such time off shall <br /> be considered compensatory time, subject to the San Leandro Police Department sign -up <br /> procedure. When a day herein listed as a holiday falls on a regular day off for an employee <br /> holding a position on such list, such employee shall be entitled to a day off in lieu thereof during <br /> the succeeding calendar year, or current calendar year with departmental approval according to <br /> the same sign -up procedure. The above provisions shall be effective as to any employee <br /> 8 <br /> SI.POA 11 -12 final <br /> • <br />