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Police Officers acting in the capacity of Field Technicians shall be paid an additional thirty <br /> dollars ($30.00) per day, while performing that duty. <br /> Police Officers acting in the capacity of Field Training Officer (F.T.O.) shall be paid an <br /> additional thirty dollars ($30.00) per day, while performing that duty. <br /> Police Officers utilizing bilingual skills shall be paid an additional thirty dollars ($30.00) per day <br /> while performing that duty. Bilingual skills shall be those certified by the Chief of Police as <br /> necessary to the operation of the Department and confirmed by an appropriate testing process. <br /> Shift Differential. Police officers and police sergeants assigned to work the patrol division and <br /> who work a regularly assigned shift during which at least 50% of the hours are between 1500 <br /> and 2400 hours shall receive an additional 3% of current base pay for the entire shift. <br /> Police officers and police sergeants assigned to the patrol division and who work a regularly <br /> assigned shift during which at least 50% of the hours are between 2400 and 0700 hours shall <br /> receive an additional 5% of current base pay for the entire shift. <br /> Assignment Differentials. Sworn officers in the classifications of police sergeant and police <br /> officer assigned to Investigations, Traffic, Administration and Crime Prevention shall receive an <br /> additional 3% of current base pay. A call -in procedure for the Investigation Division shall be <br /> agreed to between the Police Officers' Association and the Police Chief. <br /> Section 9. Application of Pay Rates <br /> Employees may be assigned to perform the duties of a permanent position in a higher <br /> classification on a temporary basis. Such assignments shall be termed "acting assignments" and <br /> shall be made subject to the following conditions: <br /> (1) acting assignments shall be made by the Police Chief only, with City Manager approval, <br /> and shall be made prior to the beginning of the shift and with written notification to the <br /> acting employee; <br /> (2) acting assignments shall be made only in those instances where the acting employee will <br /> be responsible for the performance of the full range of duties of the higher classification <br /> for not less than one (I) full workday; <br /> (3) acting pay shall be that certain step in the salary range of the higher classification, which <br /> generates an increase above the acting employee's current salary of not less than five <br /> percent (5 %). <br /> Nothing in this section shall preclude the temporary assignment of an employee to perform some <br /> of the duties of a higher classification for the purpose of providing training in the work of the <br /> higher classification. Such temporary training assignment shall not constitute acting assignment <br /> within the meaning of this section. <br /> It is understood that the above provision shall not be interpreted as requiring the City to fill each <br /> temporary vacancy by an acting assignment. <br /> 6 <br /> SI -POA I 1-12 final <br />