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Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan 2 September 13, 2010 <br />Center, Design of Estudillo- Callan Parking Garage, 9th Grade Campus <br />Enhancements <br />West San Leandro: MacArthur Boulevard Streetscape Improvements, Doolittle Drive Airport <br />Gateway Improvements, Eden Road Property Acquisition, Enhanced <br />Industrial Strategies <br />Housing: Casa Verde, Estabrook Place Senior Affordable Housing <br />Though limited by debt obligations and reduced funding for projects due to the State take of over <br />$5.3 million and slowed/reduced growth in tax increment, the 2010 -14 Implementation Plan contains <br />the remaining projects in the 2004 -09 Plan and additional projects and programs to enhance the <br />City's image, support local businesses, prevent blight and improve the quality of life. Some projects <br />identified in this Plan include the implementation of the Downtown Transit Oriented Development <br />(TOD) Strategy and A Downtown Benefit or Improvement District, development of San Leandro <br />Crossings, EBMUD, Albertsons, Town Hall Square, Kaiser Permanente's retail site and a Specific <br />Plan for Marina Boulevard. <br />The Plan addresses the Agency's housing responsibilities and requires the Agency to provide the <br />Set -Aside Fund balance, projected expenditures, and the number of targeted housing units at various <br />income levels over the next five years. The law also requires a summary of the number of units <br />produced under the prior Implementation Plan period, and a description of future housing programs <br />and activities to implement housing production goals. <br />In July 2009, the Agency created a new Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) to provide <br />input to proposed plans, projects, policies and priorities in all three project areas and set -aside <br />housing. The RAC met ten times to review and assist in drafting the new Five Year Implementation <br />Plan that includes four sections - Plaza, Joint, WSL/MacArthur, and Affordable Housing. <br />The many successful programs and projects over the past five years were covered — especially <br />capital improvement projects. As the Agency is unable to provide funding for all the objectives, <br />leveraging private investment and obtaining financial assistance from other sources is essential to <br />accomplishing the objectives. <br />Staff would like to recognize the RAC members included below for their time and valuable input. <br />Barbara M. Brooks <br />Dan Gatto <br />Robert H. Scribner <br />Manuel Ambrosio <br />Maristella Huerta <br />Rod Riggs <br />Douglas Federighi <br />Linda Lazzeretti <br />Louis Chicoine <br />Jim Patterson <br />Vince Rosato <br />Plaza Property Owner, 145 West Joaquin Avenue <br />Plaza Business Owner, FH Dailey Chevrolet, 800 Davis Street <br />Joint Property Owner, Parrott Center <br />Joint Business Owner, Mars Engineering Co. Inc. 699 Montague Avenue <br />Joint Resident, 1520 138th Avenue <br />WSL Property Owner, Intertile Natural Stone Surfaces, 2300 Polvorosa Ave <br />WSL Business Owner, Federighi & Co., 1051 MacArthur Boulevard <br />WSL Resident, 595 Fortuna Avenue <br />Housing Specialist, Executive Director, Allied Housing, Inc. <br />At -Large Resident, 101 Georgia Way <br />At -Large Resident, 1542 141 st Avenue <br />