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Special taxes will only be levied on an entire County Assessor's parcel, and any allocation <br /> of special tax liability of a County Assessor's parcel to leasehold or possessory interest in the fee <br /> ownership of such County Assessor's parcel shall be the responsibility of the fee owner of such <br /> parcel (except where the City is the fee owner of the parcel and has leased the parcel pursuant to <br /> a lease with a term of at least 5 years, in which case the lessee shall have the responsibility for <br /> the special tax liability) and the City shall have no responsibility therefore and has no interest <br /> therein. Failure to pay or cause to be paid any special taxes in full when due, shall subject the <br /> entire parcel to foreclosure in accordance with the Act. <br /> The City shall retain a special tax consultant to prepare a report which: (a) recommends a <br /> special tax for the proposed CFD, and (b) evaluates the special tax proposed to determine its ability <br /> to adequately fund identified public facilities, City administrative costs, services (if applicable) and <br /> other related expenditures. Such analysis shall also address the resulting aggregate tax burden of all <br /> proposed special taxes plus existing special taxes, ad valorem taxes and assessments on the <br /> properties within the CFD. <br /> VIII. APPRAISALS. The definitions, standards and assumptions to be used for appraisals <br /> shall be determined by City staff on a case -by -case basis, with input from City consultants and CFD <br /> applicants, and by reference to relevant materials and information promulgated by the State of <br /> California. In any event, the value -to -lien ratio shall be determined based upon an appraisal by an <br /> independent MAI appraiser of the proposed CFD. The appraisal shall be coordinated by and under <br /> the direction of the City. All costs associated with the preparation of the appraisal report shall be <br /> paid by the entity requesting the establishment of the CFD through the advance deposit <br /> mechanism. <br /> IX. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BONDS. All terms and conditions of the bonds shall <br /> be established by the City. The City will control, manage and invest all CFD issued bond proceeds. <br /> Each bond issue shall be structured to adequately protect bond owners and to not negatively impact <br /> the bonding capacity or credit rating of the City through the special taxes, credit enhancements, <br /> foreclosure covenant, and special reserve. <br /> All statements and material related to the sale of bonds shall emphasize and state that <br /> neither the faith, credit nor the taxing power of the City is pledged to security or repayment of the <br /> Bonds. The sole source of pledged revenues to repay CFD bonds are special taxes, bond proceeds <br /> and reserve funds held under the bond document, and the proceeds of foreclosure proceedings and <br /> additional security instruments provided at the time of bond issuance. <br /> X. CFD COST DEPOSITS AND REIMBURSEMENTS. All City and consultant costs incurred <br /> in the evaluation of CFD applications and the establishment of CFDs will be paid by the entity <br /> requesting the establishment of the CFD by advance deposit increments. The initial advance <br /> deposit shall be a minimum of $5,000. The City shall not incur any non - reimbursable expenses for <br /> processing and administering CFDs. Expenses not chargeable to the CFD shall be directly borne by <br /> the applicant. <br /> Each petition for formation of a CFD shall be accompanied by the initial deposit in the <br /> amount determined by the City to fund initial staff and consultant costs associated with CFD review <br /> and implementation. If additional funds are needed to off -set costs and expenses incurred by the <br /> City, the City shall make written demand upon the applicant for such funds. If the applicant fails to <br /> make any deposit of additional funds for the proceedings, the City may suspend all proceedings <br /> until receipt of such additional deposit. <br /> The City shall not accrue or pay any interest on any portion of the deposit refunded to the <br /> applicant or the costs and expenses reimbursed to the applicant. Neither the City nor the CFD shall <br /> be required to reimburse the applicant or property owner from any funds other than the proceeds of <br /> bonds issued by the CFD. <br /> XI. USE OF CONSULTANTS. The City shall select all consultants necessary for the <br /> formation of the CFD and the issuance of bonds, including the underwriter(s), bond counsel, <br /> -4- <br />