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Section 1. CLASSES, CATEGORIES, AND SALARIES <br /> The following classes and categories of positions are hereby created or continued. <br /> Pay for employees represented by the San Leandro Police Officers' Association is effective March 1, 1998. The <br /> rates of pay outlined in Section 1.8 include the following adjustments: March 1, 1998, a 2% across the board wage <br /> increase; September 1, 1998, a 2% across the board wage increase; March 1, 1999, a 4.0% across the board wage <br /> increase; March 1, 2000, a 4.0% across the board wage increase; and on March 1, 2001, a 3.0% across the board <br /> wage increase. Effective November 16, 1994, as a result of implementation of SB 53, City reports the Employer <br /> Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) as compensation to PERS for retirement purposes. <br /> Pay for employees represented by the San Leandro Management Organization is effective January 1, 2000. <br /> The rates of pay outlined in Sections 1.1 through 1.13 include the following adjustments: a 4% salary increase <br /> effective January 1, 2000; and a 3% salary increase effective March 1, 2001, for the classes listed. Effective July 1, <br /> 1994, pay rates shown for management employees shall be increased by five percent (5 %) over the monthly salary <br /> shown in the Pay Plan. The additional five percent (5 %) of pay shall be credited to the employees' accounts in the <br /> Deferred Compensation Plan. The increase and deduction are for purposes of reporting said deferred <br /> compensation contribution to PERS as compensation for retirement purposes. Effective July 1, 1994, as a result of <br /> implementation of SB 53, the City shall report the Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPIv1C) as compensation <br /> to PERS for retirement purposes. <br /> Pay for employees represented by the San Leandro City Employees Association /international Federation of <br /> Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21 (SLCEA/IFPTE), is effective January 1, 2000. The rates outlined <br /> in Section 1 through 1.13 include the following adjustments: January 1, 2000, 4% across the board wage increase; <br /> and March 1, 2001, a 3.5% across the board wage increase. <br /> Effective December 31, 1995, the City will amend its contract with the Public Employees Retirement System <br /> (PERS) to provide the "2% at 55" retirement option forlocal miscellaneous members. Effective July 1, 1994, as a <br /> result of implementation of SB 53 the City shall report the Employer -Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) as <br /> compensation to PERS for retirement purposes. The City will amend its contract with PERS to provide for the <br /> employee -paid military service credit option pursuant to Government Code Section 20930.3 (Military Service as <br /> Public Service) for local miscellaneous members. <br /> The City shall, for management staff, contribute to the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) each pay <br /> period a portion of the employee's contribution rate as established by law, equal to seven percent (7 %) of the <br /> employee's "compensation" as that term is administered by the Board of Administration of PERS, for the purpose <br /> of computing final compensation. Effective January 1, 1996, said contribution for public safety management <br /> personnel only shall be nine percent (9 %). Effective July 1, 1994, the City shall report the Employer -Paid Member <br /> Contribution (EPMC) to PERS as compensation for retirement purposes. <br /> For eligible non - management general government employees, the City shall contribute to the Public Employees' <br /> Retirement System (PERS) each pay period a portion of the employee's contribution rate as established by law, <br /> equal to seven percent (7 %) of the employee's "compensation" as that term is administered by the Board of <br /> Administration of PERS, for the purpose of computing final compensation. Effective July 1, 1994, the City shall <br /> report the Employer -Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) to PERS as compensation for retirement purposes. <br /> 8 <br /> /0 <br />