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Reso 2000-112
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2000-112
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9/13/2010 10:53:53 AM
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9/13/2010 10:01:39 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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highest and best use consistent with the redevelopment plan, then the agency shall <br /> provide as part of the summary an explanation of the reasons for the difference. <br /> This report outlines the salient parts of the proposed Amended and Restated Disposition and <br /> Development Agreement (Agreement) by and between the City of San Leandro Redevelopment <br /> Agency (Agency) and Creekside Associates, LLC (Developer). The DDA requires that the <br /> Developer construct a specific Project in a single phase. The Project incorporates architectural and <br /> site upgrades and building materials of higher quality and cost than would typically be found in a <br /> standard office complex at this location in San Leandro. The Developer is also required to <br /> construct a parking deck and to fund the cost of high quality site amenities, including a prominent <br /> landscape feature at the corner of San Leandro Boulevard and Davis Street, a secondary plaza <br /> between buildings A and C, and extensive parking lot landscaping on the Site. <br /> The purpose of this analysis is to determine the cost of the Agreement to the Agency. <br /> This report is based upon information in the proposed Agreement and is organized into the <br /> following six sections: <br /> 1. Summary of the Proposed Agreement - This section includes a description of the <br /> site, the proposed development and the major responsibilities of the Agency and the <br /> Developer. <br /> 2. Cost of the Agreement to the Agency - This section outlines the cost of the <br /> Agreement to the Agency. It presents the terms of the land conveyance to the <br /> Developer by the Agency, and sets forth the net cost of the Agreement to the <br /> Agency. <br /> 3. Estimated Value of the Interest to be Conveyed - This section summarizes the <br /> value of the site to be conveyed to the Developer. <br /> 4. Consideration Received and Reasons Therefore - This section describes the <br /> purchase price to be paid by the Developer to the Agency. It also contains a <br /> comparison of the purchase price and the fair market value at the highest and best <br /> use consistent with the redevelopment plan for the interests conveyed <br /> 5. Elimination of Blight - This section includes an explanation of why the sale of the <br /> property will assist in the elimination of blight and the supporting facts and <br /> materials. <br /> a�z <br /> Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br /> 19096.0261002.002.doc Page 2 <br />
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