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® I <br /> Redevelopment Plan. The Developer acknowledges that, but for the unusually high level and cost of <br /> improvements which Developer has committed to accomplish and which are required to be <br /> accomplished by Developer under this Agreement, as well as the commitments relative to the <br /> improvement and maintenance of the Adjacent City Property and the obligations of the Developer to <br /> defend and indemnify the Agency, the Agency would not have entered into this Agreement and could <br /> have realized a higher purchase price. The Developer agrees and acknowledges that it shall <br /> accomplish the development of the Property and the Adjacent City Property in strict conformity with <br /> the Scope of Development. <br /> 1.03 Final Development Plan. <br /> Developer shall submit to the Agency a final development plan ("Final Development <br /> Plan ") for the Developer Improvements (also commonly referred to as the Design Development • <br /> Package) no later than fifteen (I 5) days after the Date of Agreement. The Final Development Plan <br /> shall be consistent with the Development Concept Plan and the Redevelopment Plan and shall set <br /> forth in drawings and models and /or elevations, size and location of buildings, the number and <br /> location of parking spaces (which shall be provided in part by the Required Parking Structure), the <br /> specific treatment and location of all landscaping amenities, the location of all pedestrian and <br /> automobile ingress and egress points, the proposed uses of the various portions of the buildings, and <br /> the location of other public streets and improvements. The Final Development Plan shall include <br /> elevation drawings of all building facades; a site plan drawn at a minimum scale of 1 inch = 20 feet; <br /> a color and materials board for all sides of all buildings; photos of cut sheets of major site furnishings <br /> and lighting; and drawings of open space areas at a minimum of'/, inch = I foot. The Developer <br /> shall not propose and the Developer acknowledges that the Agency will not approve any <br /> modifications to the proposed Developer Improvements or any other of the Developer Improvements <br /> which lower the cost of materials, reduce the proposed square footage, or which otherwise, in the <br /> judgment of the Executive Director, do not fully conform to the specifications included as part of the <br /> Scope of Development or are inconsistent with or do not fully and faithfully implement the <br /> Development Concept Plan or the Scope of Development. The Agency shall approve all aspects of <br /> architectural design and site development in the Final Development Plan. <br /> In preparation of the Final Development Plan, the Developer shall work with Friends <br /> of the Creek and other interested parties on creek access, creek clean-up, improvements, the <br /> relationship of the buildings to the creek, the creekwalk and any other issues involving the creek. <br /> The Developer shall also work with the Condominium Owners Associations on aspects of the Project <br /> that affect their property; provided that the obligations of the Developer to the Condominium Owners <br /> Associations shall be deemed to be satisfied by the provision of the Condominium Benefiting <br /> Improvements. <br /> When the Final Development Plan is approved by the Agency, it shall form a part of <br /> this Agreement as a supplement to the Development Concept Plan and the Scope of Development; <br /> provided that the Final Development Plan must be consistent with the Development Concept Plan <br /> and in strict conformity with the Scope of Development. <br /> Any change, modification, revision or alteration of the approved Final Development <br /> Plan shall be submitted for approval by the Agency; if not so approved, the approved Final <br /> Development Plan shall continue to control. Any proposed material change, modification, revision <br /> or alteration shall be approved or disapproved by the Agency within fifteen (15) days of submittal <br /> unless the change, in the discretion of the Executive Director, requires review by the Agency Board, <br /> 7 <br /> D005OC\74604 I v4124258.0002 <br /> • <br />