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AMENDED AND RESTATED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br /> This AMENDED AND RESTATED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT <br /> AGREEMENT is made on or as of this 17th day of July , 2000, by and between <br /> the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO (hereinafter "Agency ") <br /> and CREEKSIDE ASSOCIATES, LLC, a California limited liability company (the "Developer "). <br /> RECITALS <br /> 1. Pursuant to its authority granted under California law, the Agency has the <br /> responsibility to carry out the Plaza Redevelopment Plan, which was approved and adopted in <br /> December, 1967 by the City Council of the City of San Leandro by Ordinance No. 67 -62 and <br /> subsequently amended. Said redevelopment plan as described, and as thereafter from time to time <br /> amended, is referred to herein as the "Redevelopment Plan" and is incorporated into this Amended <br /> and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement (the "Agreement ") by reference. <br /> 2. In furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan, the Agency selected Developer to develop <br /> an upscale office complex with amenities on certain real property located at 960 San Leandro <br /> Boulevard within the City of San Leandro (the "City "). In addition, the Developer shall install and <br /> shall thereafter maintain over the life of the Redevelopment Plan certain improvements (the <br /> "Adjacent City Property Improvements ") to certain property generally adjacent to the Property (the <br /> "Adjacent City Property ") all as more particularly provided herein. <br /> 3. The Developer and the Agency entered into a Disposition and Development <br /> Agreement (the "February Agreement"), pursuant to Agency authorization given following conduct <br /> of a joint public hearing of the Agency and the City Council on February 22, 2000 (the "February <br /> Approval Date "). <br /> 4. Subsequent to the February Approval Date, the Developer has proposed to Agency <br /> that the February Agreement be replaced or cancelled and that the parties instead enter into this <br /> Agreement. In connection with that request, the Developer has submitted a development concept <br /> plan (the "Development Concept Plan ") for the development of the "Property" (which is that certain <br /> property described in Exhibit "A" hereto, which is incorporated herein by reference), including <br /> certain amenities to adjacent City property along the creek, which Development Concept Plan is <br /> attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference. It is contemplated that the <br /> Development Concept Plan will be revised and refined into the Final Development Plan in <br /> accordance with Section 1.03 below. Agency approval shall be required for every aspect of <br /> architectural design, including but not limited to, site development, signage, and creek enhancements <br /> in accordance with Section 1.03 below. The Development Concept Plan as described herein provides <br /> for a different and more intense development of the Property than that which had been provided for <br /> under the February Agreement, and which shall specifically include a parking structure. <br /> 5. The purposes of this Agreement are to provide a mechanism whereby the Developer <br /> shall acquire, own, and develop the Property and develop and maintain landscaping and related <br /> features on the Adjacent City Property in accordance with this Agreement and to effectuate the <br /> provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. the development of the Property contemplated by this <br /> Agreement is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan, the Five Year Implementation Plan, and the <br /> City of San Leandro General Plan. <br /> DOCS0074604 I v4\24258.0002 <br />