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• <br /> IP <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY <br /> Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of Califomia, described as follows: <br /> PARCEL ONE: <br /> Parcels A of Parcel Map 7758, filed October 12, 2001, Map Bock 260, Pages 82 and 83, Alameda County <br /> Official Records. <br /> EXCEPTING THEREFROM, all oil, gas, hydrocarbon substances and minerals of every kind and character <br /> lying more than 500 feet below the surface, together with the right to drill into, through and to use and <br /> occupy all parts of the property lying more than 500 met below the surface thereof for any and all purposes <br /> incidental to the exploration for and production of oil, gas, hydrocarbon substances or minerals from said <br /> property or other lands, but without • however, any right to use either the' surface of the property or any <br /> portion thereof within 500 feet of the surface for any purposes or purposes whatsoever, orb use the <br /> property in such a manner as to create a disturbance to the use and enjoyment of the property as reserved <br /> in the Grant Deed from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro to Creekside Assoc f a <br /> Califomia limited liability and T. Lawrence Jett, a married man as his sole and separate property recorded <br /> May 11, 2001, 5ert No. 2001 - 161039, Official Records. <br /> PARCEL TWO: <br /> Non-exclusive easement appurtenant to Parcel One above, for access, parking, Ingress, egress, <br /> public utilities and incidental purposes, In and to the Common Area over Parcel D, Parcel Map <br /> 7758, filed October 12, 2001, Map Book 260, Pages 82 and 83, Alameda County Records, as <br /> shown in that certain 'Easement Agreement and Declaration of Restrictions" recorded November <br /> 5, 2001 as Series No..2001431790 of Official Records. <br /> A.P.No. 075 - 0036-059 and 075 - 0036-060 <br />