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When appropriate, Subgrantee shall prepare and approve applications for RAP <br /> and CFN/HA, securing documentation, references and written verifications. <br /> Subgrantee shall include the number of San Leandro households served and the <br /> status of RAP loan guarantee repayments in the quarterly reports. <br /> 5. All tenant/landlord inquires shall be answered or telephone messages returned <br /> within one business day. If tenant cannot be reached by telephone, the counselor <br /> shall mail him /her a post card or flyer with general information, within 2 business <br /> days. <br /> 6. Telephone contact staff shall be familiar with area -wide referral agencies, shelters <br /> and housing programs. <br /> 7. Subgrantee shall request and keep records of client information and action taken <br /> or referrals given. Wherever possible client information shall include names, <br /> addresses, telephone numbers, household size, ethnicity and the sex and age of <br /> the Head of Household. If client refuses to provide information, it shall be noted <br /> and counselors shall use their bestjudeement in completing intake information. <br /> 8. Subgrantee shall assist San Leandro Residents with short -term financial aid by <br /> offering a security deposit guarantee and in some cases a euarantee for <br /> outstanding rent due to a temporary financial setback. <br /> C. Mediation <br /> Type of Assistance: Meet with parties in tenant - landlord dispute (when there appears to <br /> be an opportunity for resolution); explain rights and obligations of <br /> each party, negotiate resolution. <br /> Estimated Number of Clients: (City must approve mediation cases in advance). <br /> Hours of Operation: As required. <br /> Responses Goal: As arranged with the City. <br /> 1. Subgrantee shall provide mediation of housing disputes between landlords and <br /> tenants as needed for eviction intervention and deposit refunds. Consultant shall <br /> seek City's approval of mediation services on a case by case basis. <br /> 2. Subgrantee shall obtain authorization for mediation assistance from the City in <br /> advance. <br /> Exhibit A <br /> ECHO — Fair Housing FY 2000 -01 <br /> Page 4of5 <br />