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EXHIBIT A -I <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> MT CONSULTING GROUP <br /> FOR THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> FY 2000 -01 <br /> 1. GRANTS PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT <br /> To provide the City of San Leandro with additional fundraising capacity w supplement <br /> existing services or create new services for its community, by identifying and securing <br /> resources in the private and public sector, and leveraging existing budget funds. <br /> A. Strategic Objectives <br /> I. Solicit the needs of each department in the City. <br /> 2. Establish a list of priorities for new grants with the City Manager's Office, based <br /> on needs of each department and overall coordination. <br /> 3. Establish a structure for conveying general knowledge of grant opportunities, <br /> submissions and oversight to and from City Departments. <br /> 4. Conduct funding research specific to the established priorities. <br /> 5. Apply for new grant funds sufficient to meet the financial objectives, with the <br /> approval of the City Manager's Office. <br /> B. Financial Objectives <br /> I. Identify and apply for grants sufficient to meet the objective of $500,000 raised <br /> by the second fiscal year (FY 2001/02). <br /> 2. A success ratio of 60 percent will be applied to the number of applications <br /> required to meet the financial objective above, which will require approximately <br /> $833.333 to be submitted in grant applications in the first fiscal year (FY <br /> 2000/01). <br /> 3. Collaborative partnerships will be established in order to insure that applications <br /> are the most competitive possible and to share the costs and benefits of funded <br /> activities. <br /> Exhibit A -I Page I of 4 <br />