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The Plaza Project Area <br />Introduction <br />The Plaza Project Area is the oldest redevelopment project area in San Leandro. As stated in the original <br />Redevelopment Plans for the Plaza 1 and Plaza 2 Redevelopment Project Areas, prior to their merger in <br />2000, the goal of the Project is to: <br />Eliminate or reduce blight and blighted conditions presently existing in the Project Area. Blight and <br />blighted conditions include the following: <br />• Aging and dilapidated buildings <br />• Underutilized land <br />• Inadequate building /property maintenance <br />• Parcels of irregular form and shape <br />• Parcels of inadequate size <br />• Fragmented parcel ownership <br />• Incompatible uses <br />• Lack of adequate public improvements and facilities <br />• Circulation and access problems <br />In the context of California redevelopment, "blight" is a legally defined concept, referring to physical, <br />economic, and social conditions that impair private investment in the Plaza Project Area (Plaza), causing <br />it to be a burden to the larger community. <br />Efforts to eliminate blight have been ongoing for almost 50 years in the Plaza. The Plaza Redevelopment <br />Project Area (also known as Plaza 1), established in 1960, involved the redevelopment of a deteriorated <br />central business district. Plaza 1 was intended to deal with the deterioration of public and private <br />buildings and a shortage of public parking in downtown San Leandro's shopping area. The Downtown <br />Plaza shopping center, anchored today by Safeway and CVS Pharmacy (with its free public parking lot) <br />was developed under the auspices of Plaza 1 redevelopment efforts. Other projects completed as part of <br />Plaza 1 include the development of the former Noah's /Starbucks /Taco Bell complex at 1445 East 14th <br />Street (now Verizon and Ha -Ru Sushi), and the renovation of several structures including the historic <br />Masonic Temple. The Plaza 1 Redevelopment Project was originally due to expire in 1995, but was <br />extended to 2012 by the Agency /Council. <br />The adjoining Plaza 2 Redevelopment Project Area (Plaza 2) was established in 1967. It was amended <br />several times between 1971 and 1988 to add more territory, known as expansion areas or sub - areas, and to <br />update the Plan's content. Notable early projects included construction of office buildings like 1298 East <br />14th Street, Regional Headquarters of Wells Fargo Bank, and the 101 Callan office complex. Major <br />projects over the past 10 years include the construction of the San Francisco Bay Area Council/Boy <br />Scouts of America building, the relocation of Costco and the disposition and development of Burger <br />King and Shell gas, the commercial pads adjacent to Costco's newer location, and the construction of <br />three buildings and the parking structure for Creekside Office Plaza. The sub -areas of the Plaza 2 <br />Redevelopment Plan will begin to expire between 2012 and 2029, following an extension approved by <br />the City Council /Agency Board in 2003. Upon expiration of the project areas, redevelopment <br />activities /programs need to cease; however the Agency can continue collecting tax increment for the <br />repayment of its pre- existing debt. <br />