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3A Public Hearing 2010 0920
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Packet 2010 0920
3A Public Hearing 2010 0920
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9/27/2010 9:39:28 AM
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9/16/2010 4:54:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Economic Development and Public Improvements Objectives <br />The Agency's aim with regard to economic development and public improvements is to improve the <br />economic health of the Plaza. The Agency can assist or guide the private sector to maintain a balanced <br />business base with an appropriate mix of retail and office, and support new infill housing. The Agency, <br />to the extent feasible based on limited funding sources, can upgrade or maintain the appearance of the <br />Plaza visible to the public, so that it will be more inviting to consumers and residents, stimulating <br />increased sales and private investment in the area. <br />Specific proposed programs to undertake over the next five years, in pursuit of these objectives, follow. <br />The Agency is unable to provide funding for all the objectives. Leveraging private investment and <br />obtaining financial assistance from other sources is essential to accomplish the objectives. <br />Economic Development and Public Improvements Programs <br />• Continue to promote and encourage the goals and policies of the Downtown San Leandro <br />Transit - Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy, a comprehensive plan for the Smart Growth <br />of downtown San Leandro. The TOD Strategy supports residential growth with higher density <br />housing and mixed -use development. A certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) provides <br />for the development of 3,431 residential units, 718,000 square feet of office space, and 121,000 <br />square feet of retail space. Implementation of the TOD Strategy will result in a vibrant, <br />pedestrian friendly downtown that provides a wide variety of services and access to excellent <br />regional public transit. <br />• Demolish and remove the existing two -level Estudillo- Callan Parking Garage that is <br />seismically deficient and construct a new seismically safe four- to five -story parking garage to <br />provide additional parking to enable higher density development in the downtown. <br />• Work with downtown property owners and business owners to create a Property Business <br />Improvement District (PBID) or a Community Benefit District (CBD) to fund the <br />continuation of services such as maintenance, security, parking management, marketing, etc. <br />• Continue assisting with land assembly and design to redevelop Town Hall Square, the <br />underutilized block bounded by Hays, Davis, and East 14th Streets in the downtown core. <br />Currently dominated by surface lots, redevelopment of the site would link the downtown <br />shopping area to the Civic Center. The Agency currently owns four of the seven parcels and has <br />an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement with a developer for development of the site <br />consistent with the TOD Strategy. <br />• Continue the Downtown marketing campaign to promote and enhance the image and economic <br />vitality of Downtown San Leandro. This program includes Downtown branding and marketing, <br />business attraction and retention, a way- finding sign program, coordinated with the BART way - <br />finding program, and the website. <br />• Assist private renovation of commercial structures through the Commercial Rehabilitation <br />Loan Program. This Program provides incentives to enhance the appearance of local businesses <br />and make the neighborhood more attractive. Participants in the program may either be property <br />owners or business owners. <br />
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