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balanced business base with an appropriate mix of retail, office, manufacturing, warehouse /wholesale, <br />and services, thereby providing a range of employment opportunities. Support of new housing, <br />particularly workforce housing, in appropriate locations increases economic vitality in the area by <br />increasing demand for products and services. The Agency can upgrade or maintain the appearance of the <br />Joint Area so that it will be more inviting to consumers and residents, stimulating increased sales and <br />private investment in the area. <br />Specific proposed programs to undertake over the next five years, in pursuit of these objectives, follow. <br />The Agency is unable to provide funding for all the objectives. Leveraging private investment and <br />obtaining financial assistance from other sources is essential to accomplish the objectives. <br />Economic Development and Public Improvements Programs <br />• Support public improvement projects that enhance parking opportunities, public transit use, <br />and the pedestrian environment throughout the Joint Area with special attention to the <br />BayfairBART area and properties along East 14th Street. <br />• Promote and encourage the goals and policies of the Downtown San Leandro Transit - <br />Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy, a comprehensive plan for the Smart Growth of <br />downtown San Leandro. The TOD Strategy supports residential growth with higher density <br />housing and mixed -use development. A certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) provides <br />for the development of 3,431 residential units, 718,000 square feet of office space, and 121,000 <br />square feet of retail space. Implementation of the TOD Strategy will result in a vibrant, <br />pedestrian friendly downtown that provides a wide variety of services and access to excellent <br />regional public transit. <br />• Promote the goals and policies of the North Area Plan. Assist other City departments and <br />intergovernmental agencies to implement new development or aesthetic improvements <br />consistent with the Plan's recommendations for East 14th Street. <br />• Promote the goals and policies of the East 14th Street South Area Plan. Assist other City <br />departments and intergovernmental agencies to implement projects consistent with the Plan's <br />recommendations. East 14th Street is an important location for mixed -use and or higher density <br />housing along the corridor. <br />• Redevelop 1550 East 14th Street, the former Albertsons site bounded by Juana and Dolores <br />Avenues, and East 14th Street in the south downtown area. Currently a temporary parking lot, <br />redevelopment of the site would provide mixed -use of retail and multi - family residential <br />consistent with the TOD Strategy. <br />• Redevelop 1595 Washington Avenue at Parrott Street, the former East Bay Municipal District <br />office in the downtown area. Redevelopment of the site would provide mixed -use of retail and <br />multi - family residential consistent with the TOD Strategy. <br />• Support the Farmers' Market and the Downtown marketing campaign to promote and <br />enhance the image and economic vitality of Downtown San Leandro. <br />