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• Partner with owners and developers to market strategic sites, acquire and dispose of property, <br />and assist with land assembly where needed and when financially feasible. <br />• Encourage Auto Mall and /or regional commercial /retail development on underutilized <br />industrial properties along Marina Boulevard, consistent with the Special S- Overlay zoning <br />designation for Marina Boulevard. Assist in marketing the Auto Mall as feasible. <br />• Provide for the rehabilitation of commercial structures through the Commercial <br />Rehabilitation Program (forgivable loans to business and property owners). <br />• Facilitate design and financing to construct a new seismically safe four -story Estudillo- Callan <br />Parking Garage to provide additional parking to enable higher density development in the <br />downtown. <br />• Work with Joint Area property owners and business owners to create a Property Business <br />Improvement District (PBID) or a Community Benefit District (CBD) to fund the <br />continuation of services such as maintenance, security, parking management, marketing, etc. <br />• Support the continued undergrounding of utility lines along East 14th Street, converting <br />aerial utility services to underground service systems and upgrading street lighting. <br />• Implementation of the streets cape-related recommendation of the East 14th Street South <br />Area Plan, including widening sidewalks, installing new street trees and street furniture, and <br />adding crosswalks and landscaped medians where appropriate to East 14th Street between <br />downtown and 150th Avenue. <br />• Reconfiguration and beautification of the busy East 14th Street /150th Avenue/Hesperian <br />Boulevard intersection. <br />• Continue redevelopment of Bayfair Center, specifically as it relates to implementation of the <br />Expansion Parcel Study and TOD Strategy for an underutilized 2.5 acre site currently leased to <br />Bayfair Center for surface parking. <br />• Facilitate technology infrastructure enhancements, including but not limited to high -speed <br />internet services, to underserved business districts in order to support business operations and <br />to attract new businesses into the City. <br />As Table 5 on the next page makes clear, the Agency will not be in a position to initiate major projects <br />in the Joint Area in this Implementation Plan period. <br />Both scenarios below assume that Agency funding for downtown maintenance and security services will <br />not be required after 2011 -12. This assumption is contingent on formation of a business improvement <br />distri ct. <br />