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The West San Leandro - MacArthur Boulevard Project Area <br />Introduction <br />This project area was formed in 1999 and includes the City's industrial area west of Interstate -880 and <br />MacArthur Boulevard. West San Leandro is the city's employment center, and its economic health <br />affects the rest of the city and the region. MacArthur Boulevard is a neighborhood business district that <br />was struggling with high vacancies, traffic, and minimal owner investment. As stated in the original <br />Redevelopment Plan for the West San Leandro - MacArthur Boulevard Project Area, the goal of the <br />Project is to: <br />Eliminate or reduce blight and blighted conditions presently existing in the Project Area. Blight and <br />blighted conditions include the following: <br />• Aging and dilapidated buildings <br />• Underutilized land <br />• Inadequate building /property maintenance <br />• Parcels of irregular form and shape <br />• Parcels of inadequate size <br />• Fragmented parcel ownership <br />• Incompatible uses <br />• Lack of adequate public improvements and facilities <br />• Circulation and access problems <br />In the context of California redevelopment, "blight" is a legally defined concept, referring to physical, <br />economic, and social conditions that impair private investment in the West San Leandro - MacArthur <br />Boulevard (WSL) Project Area causing it to be a burden to the larger community of San Leandro. <br />The history of the redevelopment designation goes back to formation of a survey area in 1995. A <br />community process guided the project area formation, eventually approved in 1999. The plan was <br />subsequently amended in 2000 to allow the Agency to formally decline tax increment from 17 <br />significant parcels, including the parcel now owned by Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. All other <br />provisions of the plan apply to those 17 parcels. The project area is now scheduled to terminate in 2030. <br />Program Funding <br />Funding for the Redevelopment Agency's Economic Development and Public Improvement Projects in <br />the WSL Project Area, like the other two project areas and the Affordable Housing Program, mainly <br />comes from tax increment. "Tax increment" consists of the taxes collected on the increase in assessed <br />value (over and above the base year assessed value) of properties in the redevelopment area. <br />Table 7 on the next page provides the projected tax increment for the WSL Project Area for 2010 -2014. <br />It also shows what portion of these funds will go to the Affordable Housing Program and what portion <br />has already been committed to outstanding debt obligations. The debt service payments shown below <br />are for 2004 Tax Allocation Bonds (TABS) that yielded proceeds of $5.5 million. The TAB proceeds <br />funded MacArthur Boulevard and Doolittle Drive streetscape improvements and have been fully <br />expended. These projects were successful in attracting private investment to their respective areas. <br />