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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - <br /> RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSITION 23, <br /> SUSPENSION OF AB 32 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL LAW <br /> WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 32: Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32) was signed by the <br /> Governor of California in 2006, creating a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit that aims to <br /> reduce emissions throughout the state; and <br /> WHEREAS, on February 5, 2007, the San Leandro City Council, through Resolution <br /> 2007 -009, adopted a Citywide greenhouse gas emissions goal of 25% below 2005 levels by 2020; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, on December 21, 2009, the San Leandro City Council, through Resolution <br /> 2009 -169, adopted the San Leandro Climate Action Plan, a Vision for a Sustainable San Leandro <br /> to provide the City and its residents and businesses with a roadmap toward achieving the adopted <br /> emissions reductions target; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is a member of the Alameda County Climate <br /> • <br /> Protection Project; and <br /> WHEREAS, for the past three years or more the City of San Leandro has been working <br /> with the residents, businesses, regional agencies and many others to promote energy efficiency <br /> through trip reduction, green building practices, increased energy conservation, and more, all in an <br /> effort to meet the goals of AB 32; and <br /> WHEREAS, the proponents of Proposition 23, the Ballot initiative that would suspend AB <br /> 32, claim the proposition would only suspend AB 32's air pollution regulations until California's <br /> economy improves, but the proposition would lower California's clean air standards by prohibiting <br /> the regulations from being enforced unless the state's unemployment rate drops to a fixed level of <br /> 5.5% or below for four consecutive quarters, a level that has rarely been achieved; and <br /> WHEREAS, since 2005, California green jobs have grown 10 times faster than the <br /> statewide average. California's clean technology sector received $9 billion from 2005 -2009 and <br /> $2.1 billion investment capital in 2009 alone - 60 percent of the total in North America and more <br /> than five times the investment in its nearest competitor, Massachusetts, and is generating tens of <br /> thousands ofjobs; and <br /> WHEREAS, by stifling the demand for clean energy products, this proposition would <br /> eliminate the motivation to find alternative energy, thereby increasing dependence on fossil fuels <br /> and dirty oil which will result in rising prices for consumers and a continued drag on the economy. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE to <br /> oppose Proposition 23 on the November 2010 ballot and directs the City Manager to continue to <br /> comply with the goals of AB 32, Resolution 2007 -009, and the goals of San Leandro's Climate <br /> Action Plan, all toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions in San Leandro. <br />